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"Upwork Dispute Resolution: Navigating Challenges Professionally."


"I recently collaborated with a client on Upwork who assigned me three significant tasks. The initial task outlined in the project description pertained to IAP (In-App Purchase) integration. The client communicated through chat, instructing me to first modify the UI in the project, followed by changing the character and finally implementing IAP purchases. I diligently completed each task and sought the client's feedback, to which they responded positively, stating, 'It's very good, sir.'

Upon their satisfaction, I delivered the project, and the client conducted testing, expressing approval and promptly releasing the payment. The initial milestone was completed, and the client instructed me to submit the project in Unity 2022, as they mentioned that the IAP functionality didn't work properly in the 2019 version. Subsequently, the client confirmed that the project worked in Unity 2022, and the first milestone was marked as complete a day before the specified deadline.

However, after the initial completion, the client persistently requested additional modifications, stating that the IAP was still not functioning correctly. Despite my assurance that I had delivered the project according to their requirements and their previous confirmation of its functionality, the client continued to request adjustments.

Regrettably, the client then threatened to leave a negative review if I did not rectify the IAP issue. Feeling compelled to maintain professionalism, I agreed to revisit the task and correct any potential issues. After reworking the IAP functionality, I submitted the revised project to the client.

Despite their previous approval and confirmation of the project's functionality, the client proceeded to claim that the IAP was still not working. At this point, I am facing the possibility of a negative review despite fulfilling the project requirements as per the client's earlier confirmation.

I am considering engaging Upwork's customer support to address this matter professionally and by Upwork's policies, as the client's expectations seem to be continually shifting af


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Is it fixed price?



Then you can open a dispute. The client does not have the right to change the conditions without additional payment.

Remember 2 things

Upwork doesn't want to know anything about IAP & Unity. You will have to explain to the mediator that the work has been completed.

Upwork will not protect you from feedback. You already know what kind of review it will be.

Community Member

You shouldn't share screenshots with other peoples names visible. 


If your client is insisting a feature is not working, maybe you should spend extra effort to understand because why would anyone claim its not working when it is? 


If your client is asking for "extra" features for free, then you can tell them you'd be happy to deliver yet you'd need extra payment.


Remember, secret to being a successful freelancer is about handlign customer expectations and communication.

Community Member

Two first names. That's a fake client account.


Hi Hafiz,


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I can see that you already have a support ticket regarding this issue. Feel free to also update the ticket should you have further questions or concerns so our dispute mediation team can assist you.

~ AJ
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