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Roland's avatar
Roland A Community Member

tesings products job offers

hello is anyone on here getting random test job products job offers and to buy them off of amazon then they say they will refund you the money is there a new scam out there please help me out on this  here is a sample message

Must live in The United States
Try out our newly innovated product.
18 year old or older.
Have a video recording device (e.g., a smartphone that has video features).
Have online shopping experience.
Share your impression/ comments for our products by sending us a 1-3 minutes video review.

I will set up two milestone in the contract:
The first milestone is for covering your expenses ($22), and the second milestone will be approved after we have received your video feedback and opinion ($11).

Your opinion is valuable.
Positive feedback will be provided for excellent and responsive work, and there will be a similar project in the future.


Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

This might be new to you. But I would not say it is new. These jobs have been on Upwork for a long time. I have read about them in the Forum for at least five years.

Roland's avatar
Roland A Community Member

is it a scam they ask to buy stuf off from amazon though then they want a bit more info off of your amazon


Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

Is it a scam?

Yes and no.


They are trying to scam Amazon.com with fake reviews and purchases.


They are not necessarily trying to scam the freelancer. Some of these clients are trying to scam the freelancer. Some aren't.


Either way, there's no real money in it for the freelancer. So this is definitely not worth your time.


These jobs are also a violation of Upwork TOS because Upwork officially supports Amazon.com and prohibits violating Amazon.com TOS, and doing paid product reviews is a violation of Amazon.com TOS except in some specific circumstances for books.


It is NOT a violation of Upwork TOS to get paid to write reviews in a general sense. It ISa violation of Upwork TOS to write paid reviews which violate Amazon.com TOS.

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Roland,


 If you see a job that seems suspicious, you can report it to us using the flagging option. You can read more on this help article and also, please check out Tips to avoid questionable jobs. You might also want to check out the information here to learn more about staying safe on Upwork. 

~ Joanne
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