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Profile Review Request

Please review my profile and give honest feedback. 

Community Member


A very, very gallant first attempt. Your writing reads very well. You put your services out there very nicely ...

However ... 

I'm not a HR person, so one thing I have to ask is are you prepared and how will you accomplish these HR tasks remotely. This isn't clear to me.

The other problem is that is is very difficult to sell yourself on Upwork in two different things. So, if you connect your copywriting to your HR work (which you don't do very well as it is) then you can say you are an HR expert who knows how to write. But if you try to say you are an HR expert and, by the way, you also know copywriting, then this is very confusing and difficult to sell.


OK .... all that said ... let's get started ...

I think you need to view your HR work more as a service and sell it that way. In that case, if you want to make the switch, the opening would be more like,

"I am an academic and industry-trained human resouces expert with five years of experience who can provide services related to talent recruitement, employee relations, performance management and data analytics."


In other words, jump right into services you provide, because the services are what Upwork freelancing is all about.

Then you would describe your experience with each of those, say a bit about how you expect to do this remotely and mention the benefits the clients will recieve.


So, now your profile would read:

I am an academic and industry-trained human resouces expert with five years of experience who can provide services related to talent recruitement, employee relations, performance management and data analytics.


I use Internet searches and Zoom conferencing to find and screen candidates suited to your needs, whether the work is local or remote. My employee relations work includes an indepth study of your personnel practices and Zoom conferencing in which I use my extensive training in  motivational and conflict-resolution practices."

In other words ... again ... I would focus more on your services and how you plan to pull them off.  Don't go too far describing each service -- somethings are better to be said once you have a dialogue with someone. In other words, this is not the time to be too confusing ... but I think it might be better if you focused more on each service and how that will play out for the clilent.

You would also mention benefits, such as, "improved moral, smoother workflow, less conflilct-oriented interupptions," and things like that.

Now, having said all this, you are clearly a good writer and your current profile is very good. One thing you could do is just go with your profile as it is and wait a month or two and see what happens ...

Also ... the general way to find work on Upwork is to read as many job postings as you can and apply to each one through what they call a proposal letter ... so, once you get the profile that you like you can't rest. Clients don't come find you on Upwork for the most part. You have to stay busy and find them.


Finally ... what is T&D? You might want to spell that out.

Good luck.

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