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Profile review please



I'm looking for feedback on my profile - https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~018bd4bcf193194ad3






Thank you! This is so helpful.

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Community Member

Hi, Austin,

Look, you clearly have some skills and your trade is PR, so you should know how to PR yourself out of the ballpark. But, in brief, your profile page often reads like a resume -- not always a bad thing. Maybe, I just have to digest this a bit more.


First, your working title should be three or four words. You have Public Relations/ Analyst Relations / Product Launch / Content Creation -- four words too many.


It's just a title. The idea is to be inviting, not bog readers down at the get-go. Think like a poet. (That's how I used to do headlines.) Trim it down.


I have "All purpose writer," for example. Covers a lot of ground.


Brevity shows confidence. And efficiency. 


Next, there's a time limit on the text, too. So, the first thing you do is to cherry-pick from those big, burdonsome quotes you've chosen. 


For over 15 years, I have been creating and executing strategic brand storytelling, public relations, and content campaigns for technology and consumer-focused companies worldwide.


"Austin Edgington is a talented PR pro with exceptional writing and communications skills,"


(There. Just that. Nobody is going to digest 74 words. Then use this:)


"[Austin Edgington] ... was instrumental  in growing our media efforts at Aerospike by 30% year over year."

(Again, stop. That's enough. Then:)


"Austin did an outstanding job for us securing many media placements, improved our social media, our role as thought leaders, and brand awareness. He is extremely knowledgeable in the space."


(Once again -- stop. No more. You just want the cherries, not the fiber.)


Put in the attributes if you want.


Then, a little trimming ...


"I build communications success by delivering a consistent message at the right time to the right audience.  My expertise lies in global communications, public relations, content development, and leadership, with strong storytelling and writing experience. I offer 15 years of experience with a strong portfolio of successful communications and PR initiatives for start-ups and Fortune 1000 companies across enterprise technology. Agency-side and client-side experience.


Key Highlights 


* Increased Share of Voice for Aerospike across all regions.

* Led Funding Round media campaign for Cloudbeds.

* Creating and executing impactful media awareness campaigns for ZIneOne.

*Played a key role in the highly successful IPO of Blue Coat, including pre-, during, and post-IPO communications. *Positioned Eric Schmidt and other C-level executives in broadcast, digital, and print media opportunities.

*Created innovative, game-changing strategies for Merchant Maverick to captivate its target audience.

*Designed and led a guerrilla PR launch for Sierra Wireless, resulting in nationwide recognition.


The very bottom is the appropriate time for schlock. The upper portion relies on useful information (i.e. descriptions and facts about your services). The last bit is the place for useless stuff, (i.e. descriptions of your personality), like what a  fine fellow you are and how determined and hardworking and passionate and the rest of that ____ that sounds nice, but isn't really the reason you get jobs.


That's how I see it ...

Good luck.

Thank you! This is so helpful.
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