» Support » Known Issues and Workarounds » Cannot accept job offer: An error has occurre...
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Cannot accept job offer: An error has occurred. Please try again later

Some freelancers may be experiencing issues with accepting job offers from clients. The error displayed when trying to accept an offer is "An error has occurred. Please try again later." 

We apologize for the interruption. The technical team is investigating the issue. Please visit our Status page for the latest status. 


Edited to add:


Hi All,


This issue is resolved and we will be closing this thread from further comments. However, if you still experience the issue mentioned on this thread please let us know by posting in Community Support section and we will be happy to assist you accordingly.


Thank you,

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Resolved

The issue has been resolved, and the site should be fully functional. Feel free to check our status page anytime for the latest updates on the Upwork website. 

Community Member

Hello, I'm also encountering the same issue when accepting offer: "An error has occurred. Please try again later." How can this be resolved? thank you!

Community Member


Hi, im having the issue where i cannot accept the offer, I have tried using different browser but the issue remains, please help me