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Cover Letters Missing when Submitting Proposals

Our engineering team is aware of the issues with some cover letters missing after proposals are submitted. They're working urgently to address the issue. 

Thanks for your patience!


Edited to add:


Hi All,


This issue is resolved and we will be closing this thread from further comments. However, if you still experience the issue mentioned on this thread please let us know by posting in Community Support section and we will be happy to assist you accordingly.


Thank you,

Community Member
Status changed to: Resolved

Hi All,

This issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience!

Community Member



It's a known problem and the Upwork programmers are in the process of fixing. Thanks!

Community Member

Still not resolved. Can you please check. Thanks

Community Member

I'm confirming. Still not resolved 

Community Member

What does it mean by resolved, did the missing cover letters appear on the proposals or are we getting back our connects?

Community Member


Any proposals submitted since the fix should be showing correctly with cover letters. Unfortunately, we will not be able to recover cover letters for the proposals that were submitted during the short period of time before the fix was released. Please refer to the update on your support tickets about the same issue for more information. 

Community Member

We should get our connects back, Upwork just cant expect us to forget about it, please refund!


Hi Zoaia, 


I checked and it looks like one of our agents already followed up with you and shared further steps. Please consider following up on the ticket so that our team can assist you further. You can access your ticket on this page.