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Tristin's avatar
Tristin W Community Member

E-mail Verification problem

Hello I just signed up for Upwork and verified my e-mail address. Even on the dashboard it says my e-mail is verified. However, whenever I try to do anything such as Contact Support about this issue, invite someone to a job etc., it states my e-mail hasn't been verified and to resend the verificastion to my e-mail. However that e-mail never comes and I asm stuck in limbo. 

Is it possible to have an Upwork associate fix this gltich in my account?

Aleksandar's avatar
Aleksandar D Community Manager

Hi Tristin,


I'm sorry to hear about that. I checked your account and you shouldn't have any issues. Could you please share a screenshot of the notification so that we can take a look?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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