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Moreen's avatar
Moreen K Community Member

I am new to Upwork

Hey fellow freelancers, am new to upwork and I hope I chose the write path. Am looking forward to engaging more

Vijayakumar's avatar
Vijayakumar B Community Member

Hi Moreen K.,

Learn how UpWork works before wasting your time elsewhere. This will keep you safe. Getting a job on UpWork is a bit difficult, it depends on your skills.

Before starting work, Take some time and check out these UpWork Free Courses.


You will understand more after completing these courses.


Some Important Links:

Check this Expert talk

Identifying & Avoiding Scams : https://community.upwork.com/t5/Videos/Identifying-amp-Avoiding-Scams/ta-p/1088711


Check out these articles:

Staying Safe on Upwork


Top Red Flags for Scams



If you need an answer to any question, search your question first in the community. If you don't get an answer, post your question. Because you will get late reply when you post.


I hope this message helps you.

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