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Asad's avatar
Asad A Community Member

Unverified Payment

Should I apply for a job posted by a client with an unverified payment method?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you in advance.

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

You can do whatever you want.



I don't care AT ALL if a client is payment-verified when I apply to jobs.


But I will expect the client to become payment-verified before I do any work on a contract.

Leyre's avatar
Leyre P Community Member

I never had any issues with payments.

Sometimes clients are new to Upwork and they don´t know how the system works.

You won´t be protected by Upwork if the payment method is not verified, so kindly ask them to verify it to start working. They did it when I asked them to.



Kathy's avatar
Kathy T Community Member

Asad A wrote:

Should I apply for a job posted by a client with an unverified payment method?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you in advance.

Yes, you can apply to jobs from a client that is unverified. Just make sure that they are verified BEFORE you start working no matter what they tell you. Also, make sure escrow (if the contract is fixed rate) is FULLY funded either for the entire job or for each milestone as they come up, BEFORE you start working (again - no matter what the client tells you or tries to convince you.)

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