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Russia sanctions due to the attack on Ukraine

Hi Upwork, 

Given the invasion of Ukraine this morning and the increase in sanctions against Russia across the globe, how can we be sure not to violate those sanctions by doing business with Russian-based or Russian-owned businesses?



Community Member

Hi Joe,

Upwork has been carefully monitoring the events in Eastern Europe and understands that many questions may exist. For more information and frequently asked questions, please visit our 
help resource center. We will keep the community updated as we learn more about this evolving situation.

~ Valeria
Community Member

I really hope they will. 

Community Member

Dear Upwork,

While you providing a great service for freelancers in russia, our children, and people are dying from russian army. Please help Ukraine to stand against a russian attack! Please Block Upwork in russia!


Ban russia - save lives! 


Community Member

Easily - **Edited for Community Guidelines** It's as that easy.
You may ignore my suggestion of course, but soon you will face quite expected thing - they will ban foreign money transfers for their citizens and they will not be able to make payments via Upwork, or maybe even will not be able to make any payments in USD.

Community Member

I am surprised that upwork has not banned Russian freelancers and businesses from their platform yet when so many American companies like visa, mastercard, netflix etc have already pulled out of Russia.


What is upwork waiting for ?

When is Upwork going to stop allowing Russian companies to post jobs and accepting their money?

I got a proposal from a Russian client who paid for it to be a Featured Job, effectively giving Upwork money. 

Hi Steven,
At this time, Upwork is prohibited from working with anyone in either of the regions specified in the Executive Order and with other specified individuals and entities. This is an evolving situation and as additional financial or geographic sanctions are applied, or additional individuals or entities are added to the sanctions list, we will ensure our compliance with the imposed sanctions. We are committed to keeping the community updated on these changes here.

~ Valeria

That's not enough. You should be rejecting money from Russian companies. You've posted the same answer in multiple places and it's a complete corporate cop out. You haven't updated your response in days or posted on Twitter about what you are doing. It's clear that Upwork is hiding behind legalese and not doing what's right. Why won't you stand up and do a simple thing and not do business with Russian to support Ukraine?

Community Member

Hi All,
I'll be closing this thread from further commenting and encourage you to check this page for most recent update and questions.
We'll continue providing updates and resources for Upwork users affected by the events and trying to navigate this situation and encourage other members to offer support and information if they'd like to. That said, please refrain from discussing politics on these boards and be mindful of the Community Guidelines.

~ Valeria