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Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

Agency Issue

Hi, I thank you any help: I've an agency with one contract, the problem is that I've one developer without contract working on the project, I promised him certain amount of money but he keeps now asking for more and more and even says to raise a dispute. To my thinking he accepted to work for certain amount, now he refuse to finish the work if no more money is available. Can he raise a dispute?


And what really happens if I fail to pay the agency membership? I've been told all members w'd be delleted, but w'd be able us to finish the project on contract? please I need to know what really happens failing to pay the membership.

Tiffany's avatar
Tiffany S Community Member

Carlos, most of us specify a number of revisions or an hourly rate for revision rounds in the initial agreement with the client.

View solution in original post

Aliyu's avatar
Aliyu M Community Member

Pay him for his present job and get another developer, there are thousands of developers

Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

Seems reasonable, thanks.

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Carlos, as an agency owner, you are responsible to discuss any payments due directly with your agency members and pay them for the work they have completed under the agency as agreed. If you connected with a freelancer about a job as a client, it's against Upwork ToS for you to request them to complete work for free.
Agency Plus Membership allows you to support multiple agency members. If you downgrade, you won't be able to do that.

~ Bojan
Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

Hi Bojan, 

But will us be able to finish the contract if wee downgraded?


Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Carlos L wrote:


But will us be able to finish the contract if wee downgraded?


Why would you do that?

Why do you have someone work without a contract? Why is the person who WAS hired not doing the work? Has the client agreed that someone without a contract will be doing the work (if not, there is another violation...)

Why do you have a new account when Upwork's terms of service specifically do not allow that?

Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

The client knows another freelancer is doing the job,

I thought it was a team so one freelancer can be hired and two or three members can work on this,

The hired freelancer had a personal trouble and can't be doing the job,

Solving that problem, suppose the freeelancer accept the termss going forward,

I'm more concerned now in my second inquiry, thanks.

Hugo's avatar
Hugo R Community Member



It seems there are more issues inside than what we can see at surface level.


In the end, at the forum we won't be able to resolve any of those issues.


It will be dealt with between you, the client and the freelancer asking for the money.


If needed, i would suggest to take the less, pay the developer or refund the client his money and start a new project under the appropriate guidelines and best pratices of Upwork.




Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

Hi Hugo, thanks for advice, however it doesn't seem a complicated topic to me, it's simply a clear thing as when there are a client asking for changes and changes on the work without agreeing to pay. That become a common thing latetly and seems unsolvable unless there were a maximum change requests allowed. 

Tiffany's avatar
Tiffany S Community Member

Carlos, most of us specify a number of revisions or an hourly rate for revision rounds in the initial agreement with the client.

Carlos's avatar
Carlos L Community Member

This is such a novelty for me, thanks for clarifying Tiffany.

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