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Meet our Community Featured Contributor Biljana V.

Meet our Community Featured Contributor Biljana V.



  • What job category do you work in?
    Sales & Training Support


  • When did you begin using Upwork?
    In 2020.

  • Tell us a little about yourself and how you got started Freelancing, or running your business online?
    After about 10 years in the corporate world (in-house employee), I started exploring online projects. At that point, I landed some of my first gigs, gradually progressed toward more complex contracts and eventually became a full-time freelancer.

  • What do you enjoy the most/least about working online, Biljana?
    I enjoy flexibility, freedom to choose my own projects, diversity of sectors and fields, international community. However, social isolation and too much screen time can sometimes be a problem.

  • What was your most successful project/contract?
    Remotely coordinating and managing staff that was in charge of building an ultra modern soccer stadium in UAE. It was a remote HR management but involved much more than that such as operations and training.


  • Do you have any advice for other users on Upwork?
    Read the community forums. Pay attention to what more experienced and successful members of the community say (I certainly did) - not only the text/content, but also the subtext. Be observant. Also, be realistic. If you want to charge more, you need to provide higher value, which means more training, acquiring new skills and continuous development.


  • Anything else you want to add? You can also share some fun interesting things about you 😃
    When I was 10 years old I won a junior writing contest. Quinoa lover. I value perception above knowledge. And message for others: Develop a new skill each year and be so good that the clients can't ignore you.


~ Vladimir
Community Member

Congratulations, Biljana!



"Certa bonum certamen"

Community Member

Hi Biljana, 


I am new to this - so pretend you are explaining things to your mom.  m I am not clear on how this all works.


I am looking for a web designer, currently, my site is under construction and I have hit a snag. My job post request I requested for people in California, primarily due to the time difference.  I have found it makes it much easier and time effective to communicate during PDT business hours.

Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you.

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