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Using Generative AI on Upwork

We are excited about the public release of generative AI (AI) solutions like ChatGPT and recognize the advantages of AI to enhance productivity and project deliverables. We also know that transparency is essential to establishing and maintaining trust between clients and the freelancers they work with, which is why we recommend being transparent about which tools you use to complete your work, including the use of artificial intelligence products. Permitted tools can be clarified in a contract, job proposal, or message to help avoid any confusion or potential dispute. We also recommend reviewing contracts carefully, as clients can encourage or restrict the use of specific tools, including AI, in their projects.


As a reminder, when you post content on Upwork, per our Terms of Service (TOS), you agree that the content won't violate intellectual property rights or the Terms of Service of another platform. With that in mind, if you choose to use AI-assisted tools to create content for a proposal or complete a job, we recommend that you first confirm that the content is original and complies with the TOS of the generating platform for utilization as an end-state work product.


We aim to continue promoting a trusted and safe environment; with the use of disclosures, you can help be part of that while still experimenting with new tools.


About the author: Brent Pliskow is GM, VP of Customer Support; he joined Upwork in April 2022. In his spare time, he loves to bake - a hobby he picked up in the early days of the pandemic. His sourdough starter is now more than 3 years old!


137 REPLIES 137
Community Member

This is great! I think that AI and what it brings to the table, is simple astounding. The sky is only limited by the imagination of the designer. with ChatGPT, if you don't ask questions, build a dialogue, and check multiple times by creating various different versions to choose from, then originality could be called in to question. But, after using this system, it is possible to use AI in ways for content creation, that surely are only a benefit to google and the user. 

Community Member

question 2: who is the originator of an idea to build a website? The AI or the designer? without guidance, chatgpt is fallible. it takes choosing wisely in the directive output parameters, otherwise you really can't get to the best wording of a particular paragraph of entry, if you don't have chatgpt give you various designs. then you are limiting what can be done with the tool. It is an invaluable tool if used correctly,  in my opinion.

Community Member

Brent, could you clarify your use of "we" and "our"? You are not identified as an Upwork representative.

Community Member

Michael, in Announcements it appears that representatives of Upwork are not identified. I guess it's taken for granted that only they can write the ads.




Community Member

great observation

Community Member

I've also learning this technology.

Community Member

So nice to read this.

Community Member

I know thank you 💓

Community Member

I'm very happy to be your community members 

Community Member

Hello Im new to this an I would love to start aming money, Can someone point me in the right direction please?

Community Member

Welcome To the ERA of AI Tech. 


World Made easy.😊😍

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"Michael, in Announcements it appears that representatives of Upwork are not identified. I guess it's taken for granted that only they can write the ads."


Thanks, Maria!

Since the carousel has become so indiscriminate in the sort of content it features, and by whom, it might be nice if we knew out of which office or orifice people are speaking here.

Community Member

Its Great and Informative

Community Member

As AI technology continues to evolve, it is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for freelancers. Here are some of the benefits of using AI for freelancers:

  1. Time-saving: AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoicing, and scheduling, freeing up more time for freelancers to focus on their core work.

  2. Improved Productivity: AI can help optimize workflows, identify areas for improvement, and provide personalized recommendations, ultimately leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.

  3. Enhanced Efficiency: By leveraging AI for project management, freelancers can streamline their workflows, reduce errors, and improve communication with clients, resulting in more efficient and effective projects.

  4. Increased Earnings: AI can help freelancers identify new opportunities, optimize pricing strategies, and better manage their time, ultimately leading to higher earnings and greater financial stability.

Overall, the use of AI by freelancers can help save time, increase productivity and efficiency, enhance earnings, and provide a competitive edge in the marketplace. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect even more innovative uses and benefits for freelancers.

Community Member

No doubt ChatGPT has changed the pace of work. As a content writer, I was afraid that AI is gonna take my place. Now, I realised that it has added another flavor in my skill.

Community Member

dude..as big as it is this platform,will die soon if they do not allow freelancers to use Chat GBT or other AI platforms.As long as freelancers deliver TOP services trough AI platforms or any other platforms, they should leave freelancers alone.Plus 

.AI platforms always deliver unique and original content.So what's the issue? You still need a good brain to use AI..

Community Member

This is great! I think that AI and what it brings to the table, is simple astounding.

Community Member

Brent wrote: 

"We are excited about the public release of generative AI (AI) solutions like ChatGPT and recognize the advantages of AI to enhance productivity and project deliverables. We also know that transparency is essential to establishing and maintaining trust between clients and the freelancers they work with, which is why we recommend being transparent about which tools you use to complete your work, including the use of artificial intelligence products. Permitted tools can be clarified in a contract, job proposal, or message to help avoid any confusion or potential dispute. We also recommend reviewing contracts carefully, as clients can encourage or restrict the use of specific tools, including AI, in their projects."



You are jumping on the bandwagon far too soon.  Indiscriminate use of ChatGPT could be harmful and can certainly be misleading as has already been seen in various community posts. 


I do wish Upwork would stop being so impulsively "excited" about things, and start to think before leaping into the unknown without a safety net. It is extraordinarily destabilizing for all concerned. 

Community Member

@Stefan V

I don't know much about AI, but I trust what others who have knowledge of this have said.
The issue is that the content is not "unique and original", but takes information from writings that may be protected, therefore it would be plagiarism.
In addition, as we have been seeing, a lot of information is being created, for example to answer questions from freelancers in the forum, in which the text created is not correct, to say the least.

Community Member


This is great 👍 its very helpful 👍 

Community Member

You are right I have read it thank you very much 

Community Member

thanks for your feedback this is very helpfull

Community Member

Using Generative AI on Upwork can be a game-changer for businesses looking to automate their content creation process. With the power of generative AI, companies can produce high-quality content at scale, which can save them both time and money. Upwork, being one of the leading online marketplaces for freelance services, provides a platform where businesses can find top-notch AI talent to help them with their generative AI needs. However, it's essential to ensure that you understand the capabilities and limitations of generative AI before diving into it. When used correctly, generative AI can be a powerful tool for businesses to improve their content creation processes and stay ahead of the competition.

Community Member

Based on this announcement, there is a need for all freelancers to take note of the different AI tools they can employ in making their job swift as possible and make sure we all follow the trend of tech and not be left behind as those in the 90's who refuse to accept the word wide web at the time. AI is here to help and not do the job as perfectly as the human mind.

Samuel Okezie Ezenwankwo
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Community Member

That's a Great initiative. A big opportunity to grab and achieve the targets. Highly appreciated.Thank you

Community Member

Thanks for the information Brent, it is quite informative and valuable, nowadays that artificial intelligence and its tool models are open to the public to help in our tasks and work, have a good day.

Community Member

Chat GTP is very helpful 

Community Member

It's very nice explanation you have changed my mind about using Generative AI. I will try my best to do more thank you. 

Community Member

  • That's really kind of informative. Nowadays 15-43 years old people using the AI common. We can grow up on the AI too 🙂 
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Visit My profile and guide me to get My first job 

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yes i am used Al it is very helpful 

Community Member

I am a woarking i am a expart i am every deay for job

Community Member

AI has come to simplify and quicken our jobs (if put to intended use) , and not to take our roles. 

Community Member

Great innovation, question; what are the chances that AI has come to take the jobs of some professionals? 

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