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David's avatar
David S Community Member

As a CLIENT, can I search for and see my own FRELANCE profile?

As a CLIENT,  I search for myself and my  FREELANCE profile?

But I never can find ME!


I ask because whatever I do to improve my profile, I never find it on a client search.

I even boosted my self to the stratoshere and cannot find me!

My 1st guess is that we are locked out by the search criteria by the login purhaps. IDK

Not being able to self evaluate make marketing  tougher.


Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

You can view your profile as the client sees it by using the "public view."


I found you, and you are number 5 on the first page. People will do almost anything to be where you are. So whatever problems you have, it's not because the clients can't find you. I searched for freelancers and U.S. and right there you are, #5 on the first page.

View solution in original post

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

You can view your profile as the client sees it by using the "public view."


I found you, and you are number 5 on the first page. People will do almost anything to be where you are. So whatever problems you have, it's not because the clients can't find you. I searched for freelancers and U.S. and right there you are, #5 on the first page.

David's avatar
David S Community Member

Jeanne,  #5 is a good thing.

I JUST made it public view about 2 hrs  ago. It was UW only!

SO that was most likely the issue.

Thanks for checking....lol and costing me some connects

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

Costing you connects? Even joking, how so?

David's avatar
David S Community Member

I knew you would ask.

Only if you clicked on the profile.


Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

Ahhh. Well, you are number 5 without boosting, so you are doing better than a huge number of freelancers.

David's avatar
David S Community Member

I think (have to check timestamps) I had started test boosting after the post, but just before you spotted me. [ I DO thank you for that effort too].
I have been tinkering with the connects amount to find a good mix of budget vs hits, and may have settled on a formula that works for me.
One thing for certain, I am going to PAUSE when not available (vacation and sleeping count) so as not to waste clicks across the planet! And I let the other guys have some breathing room. I am now searching  fro the answer to how quickly after hitting PLAY the system puts me back on!?!?!?   I'll give you the answer in a PM!

Thanks again.

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

I believe the geography of the Client matters, I also searched video editor in the US for you, and in my system of coordinates (Europe) you are on the third page, for this, I had to filter "Raising Talent" otherwise it is page 9. 

Ashraf's avatar
Ashraf K Community Member

It is not about geography or location where you search...profiles meeting the search term are shown on a rotation basis so sometimes it will be on 1st page and other times it will be on the last page....this was the official reasoning given by Upwork staff but I do not believe this...searching yourself is tricky! 

And upwork does not reveal how it does it otherwise there are many who will try to exploite the system! 

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

Well you you read what I wrote, we performed the search almost the same time, so it does matter. 

Ashraf's avatar
Ashraf K Community Member

I have noticed a few posts where you pick an argument with everyone...so I will drop it here and let you live with what you think is correct! 

David's avatar
David S Community Member

Wait a minute---you just picked one with me......

Now your onm Natasha's case about her opinion?

Lighten up or jump ship!

David's avatar
David S Community Member

I am not picking a fight with you, I am only stating that when someone sees a number, without realising its significance or not, MIGHT, just MIGHT boost his jobs to lets say 50 connects. Therby blowing his budget faster than necessary.

So I dont care baout the sci-fi fanatic aspect. I was concerned with misguiding any fellow freelancers, which is the means of many of my posts, no matter how you interpret them.


The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”   


Well #47 also can also answer the riddles. Sci Fi chatter should be left to the coffee forum.

Ashraf's avatar
Ashraf K Community Member

Sir, I am also not picking a fight with you either, it was just light-hearted humor. Upon realizing, that you took it for an answer I clarified and apologized for causing the confusion! 



David's avatar
David S Community Member

I too get myself in a picle because of humor. It gets lost in translation or the reference.


Good will towards men.......Good luck! 🙂

David's avatar
David S Community Member


David's avatar
David S Community Member

Sort of like serching for a plumber - you get closest to your Zip code first.
Makes some sense, but but in a global econemy format.  

I'd like to test and verify that hypthesis.


I love school projects.......

Alper's avatar
Alper D Community Member

For the record, i always see my own profile in freelancer search results

David's avatar
David S Community Member

A bit vague in your reply.  Like where? On the front page - or burried on page 20?

What are you doing RIGHT, or overspending,  if its always in the top 20 (listings)?

We are seeking the method  of the listing system in this thread.

- Thank you

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