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Cant post job,show company suspended

Dear UpWork team,

I have just created an account today as I have a job to post as a client.

Just when I wanted to post the job, I got the following error message: "We are unable to post your job because your company account has been suspended. Contact UpWork support for more information".

Is this because I registered with several **Edited for Community Guidelines** companies? (I wasn't quite sure which one to use if any so I ticked all of them.)

Can you contact me to clarify next steps?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Abdul Ahad,


I checked this for you and our team has reached out to you just recently regarding your concern. Please check this link for the ticket related to your concern or check the last email sent to you by our team which details what steps you should take to lift the hold on your account.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
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