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Finding clients

Where is the clients at upwork? 

I am new and couldn't find their accounts 😀

Community Member

Nosra, please go to the top right of your screen and click the search bar for Jobs. Next search by keyword. Thanks!

Badly it doesn't work , 

I am looking after clients profile i mean 

Can you attach a screenshot of what you are trying to do?

The data of clients seem to be hidden so i could not reach them 

Click the Green Apply Now button at the bottom of that image.

Clients don't have profiles like freelancers do.

Thank you ❤️

Community Member

Watch out, it could be a scam.

Community Member

Also, there is a disconnect between what your employment experience is and the types of jobs you want to do.

Community Member

Hello 👋 how do i get clients? 


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Hi Kingsley, 


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~ Avery
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