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Suspected Fraud. Upwork Escrow was found in my preapproved payment list in Paypal. Explain!

Hi I want to know why upwork escrow was listed in my preapproved payments list in my paypal account. 

it also said it billed me 700 USD. I never authorized you to take money from my paypal account.

I pay manually after a freelancer finishes a job.


I found 26 unauthohrized Paypal MSP charges in my bank account today

luckily my bank was very helpful and will reverse those charges and completely reimburse 

me. However now I'm weary of using upwork ever again.


How did you get into my preapproved paypal payments list?

Also where did that 700 dollar number come from ?

Thanks for your help


Hi Omar,


All your transactions for the payments you made for your projects are accessible in your transaction history. You can also filter the statement period to view the previous and current charges. One of our agents will also reach out to assist you further via a support ticket. Thank you!

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hello, I've got the same situation here. I was messaged a direct link for the Direct Contract from a freelancer. They told me it was a fixed contract (link is below): 

I have funded it, for $250. And then, immediately, my card (PayPal connected) has been charged numerous times. I was able to revert the Payment through my bank chargebacks. Now, Upwork Escrow was somehow added as a recurring subscription to my PayPal account, which I never authorized. How in the world you can allow this through your system?

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As you can see in an attached file, nowhwere it is indicated that there will be a recurring subscription setup. Moreover, it says the contract is completed, however, it was just started today, and the money has been immediately charged. 


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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Zakhar,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I can see that you already opened a support ticket regarding this issue. Please allow our team 24-28 hours to respond to your request. Feel free to also update the ticket should you have further questions or concerns.

~ AJ
Community Member

So wtf is going on?

You were listed in my Paypal account, recurring payment section. I NEVER authorized you to take pre authoried payments from me

I only pay freelancers, manually when they do their job

Also, I canceled that active subscription that was not even supposed to be there and you guys just sent me an e-mal right now saying "Omar looks like you canceled your primary payment subsription method with Upwork" which was my paypal account.Now we will use your credit card as the primary method.

What are you talking about? I've been using my mastercard many times along with my paypal account.

This is a mess and I want some answers. What are you talking about that you are now switching my primary payment method to my masstercard, it's been used many times before, so what do you mean "NOW" you are making it a method

Also, how come you are in my recurring payment list in Paypal and it said that uptil May 20th, you've charged me 700 dollars. WTF?????

I used my paypal account but also a few credit cards

Does this have anything to do with the fraudulent paypal MSP charges in my bank account I saw today.

Luckily I'm getting those charges reversed, but I need to know were those charges from you or someone else?



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