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Web Designers - Apply for job but not answering my 4 questions

Hi I have advertised for a simple project- mock up of a web page that will be a composite (summary) of 3 web pages that already exist - they are all for 6 foot banners of women in STEM. I'm paying a flat rate of $100.


Here's the issue - the 2 web developers I'm interested didn't answer my questions i.e. timeline, conversion rate. They plugged in something to meet the requirements (i.e. lets discuss in PM). One of them wanted to talk to me so we made a time early my am and 7:30pm his time - he did not show. Other did not respond to my request to answer the questions.


This fee is to do a mock up not for technical implementation. Is it too low? just can't understand this kind of lack of communication and thinking it's not a good sign for working together.


Did not get many candidates for this job. Maybe I'm not pitching it right or fee is too low?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you.



Here's the job post

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

As a client, I have hired over 180 freelancers on Upwork.


I do not find it difficult to hire freelancers and get work done through the platform.


I post nearly all jobs as hourly jobs.

I provide complete but concise descriptions of the work that the freelancer will do.


I don't spend time interviewing freelancers. Maybe a few messages at the most.


I hire based largely on portfolios.


What I do as a client will not necessary work for everyone. I am simply sharing my experience.

I am a beginner on Upwork and submitted 13 proposals but nobody even replied, Genius minds recommend to make a profile perfect you may check my profile I have done all things but still waiting for my first job on Upwork.

Tariq: you have wrong skills for the job!

Data entry is a category overflowing with freelancers, so there will be tremendous competition. It is not uncommon for experienced, long-term freelancers to have to spend many connects to get a job. As a new person, you are going to have even more difficulties.


Before you submit another proposal, read the Terms of Service and the advice from Wes: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...


Then work on your proposals and build your profile. I understand you want a job, but I recommend you remove the "being available 24/7" part because some clients will have you working for pennies twenty-four hours a day. Being new doesn't mean you don't need to establish rules. It also makes you sound a bit desperate. You need to present a presence that says you are a professional with business standards.


With the flood of freelancers on Upwork, finding jobs may take you some time and connects. Look at the jobs carefully to see if you have those skills. I know it can be tempting to try other jobs, but if you don't have those skills, it can be detrimental to your JSS.


Most freelancers never land a job. However, most of those had no freelancing skills. If you want to be a freelancer, it isn't easy at first, but many people are quite successful.

I have hired alot and I have a high rating myself. It's in the IT area that I have a problem. I did do hourly initially and I had some dishonest people who racked up hours including on related projects I didn't approve. I agree that I don't waste time interviewing I try them out on an initial job. I could give this a go with hourly it's a limited project and see, I'm more skilled now then when I tried this initially. thank you.

Community Member

Your fee is about right or even better.  However freelancers are bit skeptical of new buyers with fixed price or their history has low paying jobs.  Try hourly.

I have hired alot and I have a high rating myself. It's in the IT area that I have a problem. I did do hourly initially and I had some dishonest people who racked up hours including on related projects I didn't approve. I could give this a go with hourly it's a limited project and I'm more skilled now then when I tried this initially. thank you.

Since you are more skilled now, you must have a good feel about the time.  On hourly jobs: don't allow manual time entries, set a weekly limit and monitor their screenshots.


As far as dishonest people it goes with the territory.   When you find a good one, keep them.  Go back to them again and again 

Clients can set the maximum hours per week to any number. Even just 1 hour. Can even set it to zero hours.


This is an important and effective tool for clients to use to prevent new / unknown freelancers from missing hourly contracts.

Thanks I didn't see the Other - and because of this post, I investigated and have now set her top range of hours as the weekly limit (before I thought miniumum was 10 hours). Until we develop a trust relationship I will continue in this way.

Do you approve manual entry times?

Community Member

Thank you Preson and Prashant, I went hourly and I got 13 proposals - Only 3 gave me estimated hours much to my surprise. In a couple of cases I messaged to get hours and I got something absurdly high that would mean the mock up would cost $500k. I ultimately chose someone with a good portfolio and good reviews and rating who also has the skills to implement it on our website and do SEO/SMM. 


I have 3 regular long term consultants for over a year - one is an editor - the other is a graphic designer. I also had an excel expert for nearly a year but he's gone off the platform - now have another one. I've not had luck on web design but with your help trying again, I am tired of doing it myself - it's not a good use of my time so I'm hoping this time will work. Thank you again.

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