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Community bot

Is this really necessary? It shows at the bottom of my page, and nothing happens anyway when I click on it. Not that I want to chat to a community bot. What would one "chat" about?

Community Member

re: "What would one 'chat' about?"


Chat bots have their own fantasy football league. They like to talk about that. You could ask the chat bot about its chat kids. They go to chat school and sing in the chat choir. Watch out thought, because the chat bot might ask you to buy chat cookies to raise money for the chat choir's trip to Chattanooga this year.

@Preston H wrote:

re: "What would one 'chat' about?"


Chat bots have their own fantasy football league. They like to talk about that. You could ask the chat bot about its chat kids. They go to chat school and sing in the chat choir. Watch out thought, because the chat bot might ask you to buy chat cookies to raise money for the chat choir's trip to Chattanooga this year.

 😄 😄

Preston H wrote:

re: "What would one 'chat' about?"


Chat bots have their own fantasy football league. They like to talk about that. You could ask the chat bot about its chat kids. They go to chat school and sing in the chat choir. Watch out thought, because the chat bot might ask you to buy chat cookies to raise money for the chat choir's trip to Chattanooga this year.


Enjoyed this response way to much! A much needed laugh 🙂


The bot only understands short questions - but even those have to be specific - and three words only. You can't ask it who the president of the United States is. It doesn't like that sort of question. I have a little feeling the bot might be a Democrat. But it could be Brit. It doesn't like questions about Brexit either. It doesn't like questions on global warming. I haven't tried the Kardashians - but I have a sneaking suspicion that I might be on to something...

Community Member

@Nichola L wrote:

Is this really necessary? 

You mean for you, or for me, or for Preston? Probably not. For others, I think so. Provided that Upwork manages to make it work, it can bring immediately useful information to many people. Things that we know, but that newbies don't.

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

Oddly, mine is working just fine.  I asked it a question and it answered appropriately.  Maybe it's just for US freelancers LOL

I wasn't able to use it either. Is it for US based freelancers only?


Doesn't do anything for me either and I am in the US. Could be a browser issue but I am too lazy to login in with a different one to try it!

@Scott B wrote:

Doesn't do anything for me either and I am in the US. Could be a browser issue but I am too lazy to login in with a different one to try it!

 Tried with Opera and now with Firefox. I just find the box irritating. It takes up space it, and it doesn't even work. I once tried the customer service bot. That was a complete waste of time and very frustrating.

I don't think Upwork should indulge in AI - because it hasn't got the hang of the "I" bit yet.

@Nichola L wrote:

@Scott B wrote:

Doesn't do anything for me either and I am in the US. Could be a browser issue but I am too lazy to login in with a different one to try it!

 Tried with Opera and now with Firefox. I just find the box irritating. It takes up space it, and it doesn't even work. I once tried the customer service bot. That was a complete waste of time and very frustrating.

I don't think Upwork should indulge in AI - because it hasn't got the hang of the "I" bit yet.

 Forget the A or the I. I don't even think the basics of HTML and Javascript have been mastered! Smiley Very Happy

Why does Upwork keep trying new things no one  really needs and that don't even work? If they don't know what to do with the money we bring them, they could at least consult us before going wild on new experiences.

@Mary W wrote:

Oddly, mine is working just fine.  I asked it a question and it answered appropriately.  Maybe it's just for US freelancers LOL

 Maybe. Did try to chat it up from Austria, but it remained aloof and silent. 

Edit: still quietly judging me. 

Since the standard Monday question in the US is "what did you do over the weekend" I decided to chat up the bot and find out what it did.

Here's the response:

Sorry, I could not find an answer for you.
I'm better at understanding short questions that are correctly spelt.
Please reword your question so I can try again or select from an option below:
Unlike Siri, this has no sense of humor.

@Cheryl K wrote:

Since the standard Monday question in the US is "what did you do over the weekend" I decided to chat up the bot and find out what it did.

Here's the response:

Sorry, I could not find an answer for you.
I'm better at understanding short questions that are correctly spelt.
Please reword your question so I can try again or select from an option below:
Unlike Siri, this has no sense of humor.

 It did absolutely nothing, just laying about in the right hand corner of your screen, and is quite embarassed and evasive about it. Is planning to get out more, with being the community bot and all. 

Community Member

When accessing this page from a mobile Android device, the bot is absolutely maddening. It hovers over the text you are typing, obstructing it completely. Clicking on the bot achieves nothing. You can't use it and you can't banish it.

So far the only plus to the bot's invasion that I can see is Cheryl's comment ...

The funniest thing about it is this option: "Request a new feature". Yeah, like Upwork ever listens to our requests for new features.

Community Member

The bot has never worked for me since it first appeared, so I'm wondering if now would be good time to descibe this bot as a fail on Upwork's part? 

Works here.


Just checking.jpg

"Certa bonum certamen"


Make Upwork Really Great Again

Yeah, the bot has stopped sleeping. Let's see if this works:



Screenshot from 2018-10-23 17-27-53.png







The stupid toaster still doesn't want to talk to me.

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

@Rene K wrote:

The stupid toaster still doesn't want to talk to me.

 nah, same here. Not for lack of trying. If he ever speaks to me, will give him a piece of my mind!

I really hope you get a mug this time 😉

I do hope you'll get to talk to that stupid bot and to teach him some maners. He's being very picky, only accepting to chat with the nicest freelancers or something, I guess. Maybe he's the same as JSS, driven by some strange algorithm.


This is getting crreeepy!

@Luce N wrote:

I do hope you'll get to talk to that stupid bot and to teach him some maners. He's being very picky, only accepting to chat with the nicest freelancers or something, I guess. Maybe he's the same as JSS, driven by some strange algorithm.


This is getting crreeepy!

 I think you need to feed him connects to make him respond. 

Not improving...

talk to the bot.png




Luce seems unimpressed with the brilliant conversational skills of Upwork's resident artificial intelligence.


Not exactly Brent Spiner or Robert Picardo.

@Luce N wrote:

Not improving...

talk to the bot.png




oh, thank you for intervening on my behalf!

Should I be getting paranoid at this point? 

@Martina P wrote:

oh, thank you for intervening on my behalf!

Should I be getting paranoid at this point? 

 I guess you should! It sounds like this bot has decided you were not worth having a conversation with... It has it's own willpower. This is rather spooky.

@Luce N wrote:

@Martina P wrote:

oh, thank you for intervening on my behalf!

Should I be getting paranoid at this point? 

 I guess you should! It sounds like this bot has decided you were not worth having a conversation with... It has it's own willpower. This is rather spooky.

 That's what you get for being nice to bots.... tell it for me, I really don't want to be his friend any more!

It does work for me now; if you want to call it that.  I thought it should have a name so I started with that line of questioning.  Enjoy!


Welcome to the Upwork Community! I'm the Community chat bot. You can ask me questions about using the Community or Upwork. Type out your short question or use the buttons below to interact with me.
What is your name
Sorry, I could not find an answer for you.
I'm better at understanding short questions that are correctly spelt.
Please reword your question so I can try again or select from an option below:
Don't you have a name
Sorry, I could not find an answer for you.
I'm better at understanding short questions that are correctly spelt.
Please reword your question so I can try again or select from an option below:
What types of questions do you answer
If you've forgotten your security question you can reset it:
1. Make sure you have access to the email address on file with Upwork. 2. Click the Forgot Security Question reset link on the security form.
Be sure to check your spam, junk, and/or trash folders for the reset email. This email is time sensitive—the reset link will only work for one hour.
Ask me something  (I already did.)

As noted elsewhere, this thread is providing a marvelous ROFLM*O moment.


Well done, Pat.

let us know if you get a mug as requested LOL

@Cheryl K wrote:

let us know if you get a mug as requested LOL

 Why not? The silly thing said it would share my suggestion. Let's see what its promisses are worth. 

I'd like a mug with "Chat with Community Bot" written on it as a proof that it was able to influence the humans working at Upwork.

No mug, no nothing.


I guess the bot wasn't able to convince the product team. This is extremely disappointing.

Community Member

Great news, guys! The bot is finally talking to me. Seems to be either from the UK or had been busy sorting grains or something:


I'm better at understanding short questions that are correctly spelt.

I'm so happy for you! This is amazing news. Did you ask it why it wasn't talking to you before?

@Luce N wrote:

I'm so happy for you! This is amazing news. Did you ask it why it wasn't talking to you before?

 Nothing, no excuse, no explanation, just nothing....

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