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Connects are flying hither and thither


These days with connects flying hither and thither, quick consumption of connects has become the norm. Even sending a proposal for a job one is invited to chews up connects.


How about some ways to generate connects?


Every 10 Upvotes should translate into one connect.


The number of consecutive weeks one has remained top rated should translate into connects, one for each consecutive week.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

Let the time tell if that measure is profittable for the freelancers. Last Saturday I had to buy connects to apply to a job where I was invited, just to wake up on Sunday to see that another freelancer was hired, and my proposal just 'viewed'. Should't it be that for example if you are not hired you enter to a jackpot where you can get the connect returned?. I doubt so, because the extreme capitalism here only seeks how to make money, and it seems that the platform is shifting from making profits for ongoing jobs to making profits from connects. Is my platform, relied on for years, becoming another Fiverr, all in front of us?.

Community Member


Let the time tell if that measure is profittable for the freelancers. Last Saturday I had to buy connects to apply to a job where I was invited, just to wake up on Sunday to see that another freelancer was hired, and my proposal just 'viewed'. Should't it be that for example if you are not hired you enter to a jackpot where you can get the connect returned?. I doubt so, because the extreme capitalism here only seeks how to make money, and it seems that the platform is shifting from making profits for ongoing jobs to making profits from connects. Is my platform, relied on for years, becoming another Fiverr, all in front of us?.

That is indeed a bad experience. And, yes, the connects should be returned.

As I have said before, gaming is a two-way street.

Invitations can be faked too.

"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

The day Upwork returns connects, I'll eat my dinner plate. I'm pretty sure there are some forum monitors who thank you for the laugh ....

However, connects for likes on the forums ... kind of a fun idea. Maybe get 20 connects if your answer is choosen as a solution ... but, again, I think we're providing a few guffaws at Upwork's headquarters ... When we stop buying connects, they'll wake up ... but that isn't going to happen soon, either.

Community Member


The day Upwork returns connects, I'll eat my dinner plate. I'm pretty sure there are some forum monitors who thank you for the laugh ....

However, connects for likes on the forums ... kind of a fun idea. Maybe get 20 connects if your answer is choosen as a solution ... but, again, I think we're providing a few guffaws at Upwork's headquarters ... When we stop buying connects, they'll wake up ... but that isn't going to happen soon, either.

Right you are, Anthony.

This post is to lighten the mood somewhat, a parody of sorts.



"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

Perhaps we should start the movement MUGA (Make Upwork Great Again). 😁


"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member



"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

The number of connects I push on a weekly basis now is crazy. That is not an issue, the bigger issue is the close rate.


Remember, you bave the submit a proposal, than it has to get viewed, client has to connect with you, you all agree, than start.


Its a long process : ) and can be expensive.

Community Member

Invites shouldn't take any connects & employers should pay connects or fees on posting jobs on the platform because there are a lot of them are just scam.

Community Member

I agree!

Community Member

I'm on both ends.


Guess what?

If you think connects are expensive, try go hire someone.

You pay, and it's not 1$.


But that's not the worst part. I will tell you the worst part in the end.


As a freelancer, you are trying to pitch what? 5 persons in one day? 

Now, imagine being on the hiring side, where depending on the field and price, your chat can turn into a club. And you have to figure it out who is the right person for the job...in the middle of a double-digit number.


And hey, since the ChatGPT site is so far away, prepare yourself for dealing with the ChatGPT on chat, where a good user can make it work for plenty of people, at least on not being caught.


But yes, put more fees on the employer, just don't be mad when you're getting paid less because of it.


The worst part?

If you've never hired someone here, you will not understand.


The worst part is time.

You have no idea of the time one spends on hiring someone.

Community Member

You are true. Today I tried ChatGpt to give ideas for a proposals, and it invent lies, that you have years of experience in building tests, for example. Yes, it is good to give an idea about the structure of your proposals, and some of the sentences told by it are true or usable as an idea, but only that. But yes it should be a sea of ChatGPT just pasted proposals.

Community Member

But the legit freelancers are paying for the price for the cheating freelancers.

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You have no choice

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