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Guessing Game

Let's try this.


I think of something (anything at all), and you are supposed to guess what it is by asking (smart) questions.


Hint/sample questions: Is it an object? Is it alive? What size is it? Where is it typically found?

Whoever guesses it first is the next one to think of something.

The key is to ask good questions. I can choose to answer with just yes/no, briefly or comprehensively, that's on me to set the pace. 


I am ready, just shoot.

181 REPLIES 181

Soap bar?

Ding Ding Ding!!!! We have a winner!


Aw, that was too easy. I should have made it harder. If it comes to me again - no more hints! LOL!

OK!! I am ready for the next one. 

Is it a living organism?

No, it's inanimate. It's not tactile or physical, you can't touch it. But it's visible (you can experience it with eyesight), not abstract.

Is it inherently colorful? If yes, is it monocolored or multicolored?

It is typically in the black color as we see it. But in essence, it could be in any color.

That's easy. Shadow?

Nope, it's not. It's much smaller in size than a shadow.


Hint: It's quantifiable (its main feature).

Hmm. That's tricky. Under what specific circumstances is that thing visible or experienced? If any.

I can't tell you too much LOL It's visible on a screen.

Was I staring at those things while I typed this reply? Perhaps too many of them. Perhaps millions of them.




So, am I the winner?

You are rushing and shoot wild guesses. The point of this game is good questions. I mentioned they were in the black color as we see them.


No, you were not staring at it while typing the reply, I can tell it with 99% certainity.

Oh, sorry. But that makes sense. I won't rush or directly mention my choices now.


I'll wait for someone else to answer this one.

Perhaps it's a bit too obvious that I'm unseeing it.

You just need to ask more questions, and take into account my previous answers. For instance, pixels can be quantified but it's not their main feature. Its main feature is color and images.

Okay, so, is it countable or uncountable? 

ETA: Can you count it with the naked eye?

Yes, you can count it with your eyesight. Hint: we always express it in plural (grammatical plural). So the answer will be in plural.



Can you feel it? Like on your skin?


Does the quantity change?

The quantity changes all the time, especially if you're doing something with it.


No, you can't feel it on your skin.


Hint: it matters to/relates to a specific group of people. Outside this group, people don't even know what it is.

Do humans create this?


Yes, humans create it and humans use it (in the cloud).

What makes that group of people specific? Any hint?

You and I belong to this group.

Do I see it while playing a video game?

No, you definitely don't.


You may see it on one specific web place only.

Community Member

New hint: it has been a source of much controversy and frustration.

I'm sorry, but each new hint makes it even harder. Give me the most obvious hint - and I'll give it a chance. (or quit LOL)

You want it at the first and easy level? LOL Hum, let's see.


Hint: It impacts all Upwork freelancers.



Now I see! List the estimated number of pages where it's visible.

Not sure I understood you, but that's not the right answer. ; )


New hint: it's used digitally and has a price.

1) Are the following numbers related to it in some way: 4, 8, 12, 16 


if no


2) Does that thing like to pair itself with the letter 'K' (or even 'M' - though rare) if the freelancer works hard/better?


I'm getting close. Fingers crossed.

1) Yes, they are.


2) Don't understand the question, so can't answer. Actually, the answer to this one is NO, it does not. It'd be extremely rare or impossible.


Yes!! Correct, it's Upwork connects. Now you may take your winner's medal. ; )


Your turn now.

And here I was wondering "shadow" LOL.


You're good at giving (hard) hints.


So, my turn now! Here I go. (I'll keep it easy)

Object/living organism/abstract concept?

Living organism.

Animal/human/plant or herb?


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