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Guessing Game

Let's try this.


I think of something (anything at all), and you are supposed to guess what it is by asking (smart) questions.


Hint/sample questions: Is it an object? Is it alive? What size is it? Where is it typically found?

Whoever guesses it first is the next one to think of something.

The key is to ask good questions. I can choose to answer with just yes/no, briefly or comprehensively, that's on me to set the pace. 


I am ready, just shoot.

181 REPLIES 181

Is it commonly kept as a pet, say in Europe? 

Nope. Quite the opposite.

Is it large, what's its size and weight?

Is it a common name/species (eg. bird) or specific (eg. pigeon)? Another example dog vs. golden retriever.

Size can vary significantly.


It's a common name.

What's its place in the animal hierarchy, mainly a predator or mainly a scared fearful animal?

Primarily a predator.

Does it have hair on its skin?

No, it does not.

Mammal or reptile?



Hint: It can fly.

How many babies are there in their nest typically?

I would say a bird, but birds are kept as pets in Europe.

A holistic range of 1-5 babies at a time. Some less, some more.


Yes, it's a bird, but it isn't a very common pet anywhere, Europe included.

You mean a bird family? Because you said it was a common general name, eg. bird not pigeon.


Is flying its primary mode of moving?





A bird family, yes.


And flying is its primary mode of moving.


ETA (hint): It has one distinct characteristic that makes it stand out.



Does it have feathers and does it lay eggs?


It has feathers and lays eggs (an oviparous animal).

Extra hint: Its eyes are quite contrasty.

It has feet. Does it prefer water or soil when it lands to the ground?

How many wings does it have? Is it an insect?

Community Member

Wild guess: owl, bat



It's an owl. 


Your turn now ; )

Yes but you totally mislead me. My first question was whether it was a common noun/species such as "bird" or a specific noun/species such as "pigeon". Owl is a specific noun/species, while you answered "common noun". That was inaccurate.


Some people change their mind about what they thought of, in the middle od the game, when they realize it would be too easy. But it'll show through your inconsistent and inaccurate answers that do not add up, that's why I LOLed you.


Owl is not "bird family", owl is a specific species of a bird (much like pigeon). If unsure, Google is your friend.


I'll leave it someone else to think of a new one. Dmytro, Rani, maybe?

I did check this: "Owl is not "bird family", owl is a specific species of a bird." on Gemini (Google Bard) as I wasn't totally sure. It suggested otherwise. That lead to confusion. 


"Some people change their mind about what they thought of, in the middle of the game, when they realize it would be too easy." is not true in my case. But never mind.


Sure, let somebody else try this.

You should use Google, not Bard. If you go with owl on Google, the first is Wikipedia that cites it as a bird. That was a huge one.


Since Google is an easily available resource there shouldn't be inaccurate answers like that.


To me it seems your answer was initially "bird" but then you changed your mind to "owl". This shouldn't be happening and you must stick with your original thing.

Right, right.


Nope. It was owl from the start. (Owl is my favorite bird)

OK I have a new one, shoot.

Something alive or not? (You saw the PM?)

Yes, I saw it.


It's not alive.

Physical or not? Or an abstract concept.

It's rather abstract as you can't experience it with your five senses.

So I can't see it? But I can think of it. Is it an ability?

Actually, here is a better way to put it. I know it will be quizzy but:


You can experience it with your whole being but none od the actual physiological senses. It's there, we all experienced it but you can't put your actual finger on it.

You may see its manifestation but not actually it.

You can think of it.


It's not an ability.





On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is the most positive and 10 is the most negative) - how would you generally describe experiencing its feeling?

Definitely a 10 most negative, at best 9.

Can it be considered an emotion? Regardless, how often does one feel it?

Yes, it's an emotion.


Hum, there is no a set number of times one feels it, but most certainly everyone felt it at some point. 

Okay, I'll try to predict. When did you last feel it?


(A wild guess would be anger or fear)

Wild guesses are incorrect.


I haven't felt it in quite a while, can't even remember.

Hmm. Can anyone experience it? (regardless of age, gender, financial status, etc.)

Yes, they can. But certain groups of people or rather certain situations are more prone to cause or create thing feeling.

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