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Suceeding on Upwork - Story Share

Hello fellow Upwork professionals!


I'm curious: how have you all been navigating and finding success on this platform?


Over time, I've discovered a strategy that works wonders for me. Here's what I've learned:

  1. Own a Niche: Like many of you, I began with a broader skill set, especially in the realm of growth marketing. But, attempting to be a jack-of-all-trades meant I was spending a lot of credits and not gaining much traction. So, I zeroed in on a specific niche that not only aligned with my core strengths but was also in demand: media buying. Not surprisingly, it was a game-changer!

  2. PDF Portfolio – A Game Changer: One of the most transformative changes I made was creating a well-designed PDF portfolio showcasing my best work, client testimonials, and specific case studies. Clients often appreciate something tangible they can review and refer back to, and it has substantially increased the number of positive responses I receive.

  3. Be Consistent and Quick: The frequency of my proposals played a significant role. While it's tempting to wait for the 'perfect' job to come along, I realized that sometimes volume is the answer. Being among the first to bid often gets your proposal more visibility. As a rule, I now avoid roles with over 10 proposals, aiming to send out at least one bid a day, though this is subject to credit availability.

  4. Pricing Strategy: Instead of being the cheapest or most expensive, I bid just a tad below the stated budget. It's a balance of ensuring I'm compensated fairly while also offering potential clients a perceived discount.

  5. Quality Over Quantity: Admittedly, I've sometimes been lured into bidding on jobs that seem too good to be true, only to realize that the client's expectations far outweigh the budget or the brief is vague. Filtering out such roles and focusing on quality projects where my skills can truly shine has helped in getting better clients.

Lastly, and I hope this doesn't sound too cliché, but persistence and grit cannot be underestimated. Every rejection is a step closer to the next big client. As you build your reputation and portfolio, you can gradually increase your rates and carve out the life and career you envision.


I'm eager to hear from all of you. What strategies or insights have helped you thrive on Upwork?

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Hi, Harry. Cool topic. Thank you.

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I wouldn't classify myself as successful, but I got to top-rated within 6-7 months so I have done some things right.

My key takeaways are

1. I screen clients and jobs religiously. My reputation is worth more than small monetary gain, and so at even the slightest sense of mismatch with a client, I am out of there. I only agree to a job I am confident I can knock it out of the park. 

2. Low volume proposal strategy - high quality high spending clients is what I look for. I use preset filters to help filter for those jobs quickly. I never ever mass apply or copy-paste a single line. I only apply to jobs I am a great fit with, often with a Loom video and concrete plan of attack for a given job. 

I find one or two fantastic clients and jobs per day, but often times they require a very specific skill which I might have, but not to a degree where I would smash it, so I stay away from those.

3. Make the first two lines of my proposals pop, since that is all a client sees on the overview page of all proposals for a job.

What is limiting me the most at the moment is my lackluster portfolio. Since all of my past client work is not something I can disclose I need killer work to show ability and skill. So I am spending my evenings building out real-world projects that can showcase what I can do, purely for a portfolio.

That's what comes to mind at least 🙂

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Please use two Skills in your Title, reformat the Summary into four compelling paragraphs, and click the Academy link on the top of this page for success TIPS.

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Thank you for your advice, professions.

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