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Community Manager

When will Community hit 10,000,000 members? (Turns out it is 3/24/2022)

Closest to the correct date and time wins the award of knowing they can predict the future and/or accurately forecast our member growth better than anyone else.

*If we can round up some swag, that would be even better.  We'll see what we can do.



edit: We did it!


Community Member

I'm always curious about numbers like this. Is the current 9Mish people that have ever logged in even once, no matter how long ago their last login was? Does it include accounts that have been banned or requested deletion?

Community Manager
Community Manager

It includes  every member brought into Community.  Full disclosure: It's a bit of a fake number today due to various reasons including those you listed. We're working to resolve all those open issues/gaps over the coming months, which makes the guessing even more fun as depending on when we implement those, it has the potential to slow down the rate of members or increase it. :beach_with_umbrella:

The only way to do this is to put up a whole lot of no-entry signs with titillating content and add the proviso that you have to be 18+  


I have seen a couple of these in my job feed. I flagged them, but if you are lucky, they may still even be there ...  

Community Manager
Community Manager

FWIW I am going with February 23rd, 2pm CST.

Community Member

It's not like you guys can't manipulate that number at all by accepting more people who then come to the forum in desperation because they haven't been hired in the first three days - I would be very disappointed if you don't hit it!

Ok just to play I'll say May 11, 2022. 


Community Member

9 Million in 10+ years likely means another million won't be reachef for another year or more. 

So I say March 17th 2023 3pm UTC

LOL, that's not how it works! 

Community Member

Could you just get rid of the coconuts instead, as an award? 


I'll say December 10, 2022.

Community Member

Forecasts are never accurate! But I know what you are trying to say here... you should provide some more data if you are looking to get a more reliable answer. 


- How long (years) did it take to reach that 9M figure? 

- Most recent monthly growth rate, at least 6 months. 

- Monthly growth rate, for pre covid period, at least 6 months (Oct-2019 to Mar-2020). 


Without some historical trends, you are just asking for random/wild and crazy guesses! Not a forecast of prediction! 


I am sure if you provide some basic info to work on, you will get a lot of interesting answers! 


Community Member


Community Member

Put me down for 21 February at 2pm UTC.

Community Member

I'll go with March 31st 2022, 13:30 UTC

Community Member

April 27th, 2023.. say, 11 pm WAT. 

Community Member

1 Jan 2024 😪

Community Member

The day Upwork turns a profit?

Community Member

May 12, 2023, 19.25 MT



Community Member

There's a high probability that it will happen one of these days. 😊

Community Member

March 31, 2022 - April 15, 2022. It is going to happen between these dates.


Community Member

I'll bet December the 31st, 2022. However, if you offer a free Upwork mug to every new member who signs up, all bets are off. There'll be a stampede like never before in the history of the Internet, and the site will crash and self-destruct.

Community Member

Screenshot 2022-03-24 5.07.45 PM.png

Everyone lost 😞

500k within two weeks 😎




Hey, we got pretty close!

Community Manager
Community Manager

We have to wait for our judges to officially tally the official results, but I think we have two winners if we allow two week time ranges to count. 

Community Member

C'mon, I would have won if there weren't thousands of people complaining about all the scammers coming to the forum! Not fair!

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