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Who else noticed this change, are my the only one who noticed?

After being out of the community for 23 hours, I came back and saw Claudia z's face up the board, I had to reload my browser to be sure the system was not malfunctioningSmiley LOL.  

Congrats on your feature  Claudia

Community Member

Congrats, Claudia.

How many messages have you received so far from people asking you to reactivate their accounts? 

Jamie F wrote:

Congrats, Claudia.

How many messages have you received so far from people asking you to reactivate their accounts? 

Ah, they get rotated so quickly nowadays I can't even find the time to roast them! In the good ol' days they were up for months and months. Maybe it's because of the sad case of Mark who really couldn't deal with the honor, it went straight to his head. So sad. 

Who is Mark?

I guess the previous person on the featured board. But seriously it seems I did'nt join the gist fully when he was there.

Irene B wrote:

Who is Mark?

I think they are referring to him:

I miss Mark's big green head, but at least Slav was an active forum member. Now they are cycling so fast that many of the new FEATCON's are barely active. 


Congrats to Claudia Z. 

Amanda L wrote:

I miss Mark's big green head, but at least Slav was an active forum member. Now they are cycling so fast that many of the new FEATCON's are barely active. 


Congrats to Claudia Z. 

It misses you too!

Irene B wrote:

Who is Mark?

Nobody of consequence.

Martina P wrote:

Jamie F wrote:

Congrats, Claudia.

How many messages have you received so far from people asking you to reactivate their accounts? 

Ah, they get rotated so quickly nowadays I can't even find the time to roast them! In the good ol' days they were up for months and months. Maybe it's because of the sad case of Mark who really couldn't deal with the honor, it went straight to his head. So sad. 

All I do is sit home all day plotting my coup.

Mark F wrote:

Martina P wrote:

Jamie F wrote:

Congrats, Claudia.

How many messages have you received so far from people asking you to reactivate their accounts? 

Ah, they get rotated so quickly nowadays I can't even find the time to roast them! In the good ol' days they were up for months and months. Maybe it's because of the sad case of Mark who really couldn't deal with the honor, it went straight to his head. So sad. 

All I do is sit home all day plotting my coup.

I know you do! Still rooting for your comeback!

Community Member

Fortune A wrote:

After being out of the community for 23 hours, I came back and saw Claudia z's face up the board, I had to reload my browser to be sure the system was not malfunctioningSmiley LOL.  

Congrats on your feature  Claudia

Thanks Fortune! I'm sorry that came as a shock to you. Yeah, they add sometimes the featured contributor to the carousel.

It must be the law of attraction or something, that put all wheels in motion to lead to being recommended, I really wanted an Upwork swag. Now, I'm only waiting to win a big lottery prize and my life is fulfilled.

Claudia Z wrote:

Fortune A wrote:

After being out of the community for 23 hours, I came back and saw Claudia z's face up the board, I had to reload my browser to be sure the system was not malfunctioningSmiley LOL.  

Congrats on your feature  Claudia

Thanks Fortune! I'm sorry that came as a shock to you. Yeah, they add sometimes the featured contributor to the carousel.

It must be the law of attraction or something, that put all wheels in motion to lead to being recommended, I really wanted an Upwork swag. Now, I'm only waiting to win a big lottery prize and my life is fulfilled.

My guess is you'll win the lottery before the swag gets there, lol. 

Mine still hasn't turned up!

Jamie, keep clicking. It's purely a matter of clicking. 🤣 I should know. 5 years of inactivity and all...

Jamie F wrote:

Mine still hasn't turned up!

Same story here.

Jamie F wrote:

Mine still hasn't turned up!

You guys are doing this all wrong. I declined the honor, and they sent me a mug. The secret is saying NO! 

Don't tell anyone but if you answer a question on the FB page somewhat intelligently, they send you swag.  Shhhhh.


Mary W wrote:

Don't tell anyone but if you answer a question on the FB page somewhat intelligently, they send you swag.  Shhhhh.


I was featured on their FB page and still didn't get any swag, haha.

Community Member

I was hoping to get the swag as a gift to celebrate 100 proposals without one job. I've had a straight run of 45 and counting.

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