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Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

$2M Earned on Upwork. I would love to HELP!

Hey Everyone,
I posted this in the newbie group. I can answer newbie questions there,
I can help answer more advanced questions here, I would love to help my fellow freelancers : )


I have been on upwork for 12 years now (previously elance),


I have been on the forums for a couple years but never really participated much,


I figured, what better way than to help others, ask away, some stats below (you can also click to see my profile)


👉 Earned $2 Million+ on Upwork.
👉 Completed 400+ jobs on freelance platforms.
👉 Attained 200+ 5-star reviews.
👉 Worked 40,000+ hours on freelance platforms
👉 Earned a 100% Feedback Rating
👉 Worked with 1,000+ Clients


Thank You - Sam

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ThankGod's avatar
ThankGod K Community Member

Hello Samer, Thank you for taking the time to do this. can you take a look at my profile and tell me what I can do better? 


Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member



I would basically continue to do what you are doing.


1. keep getting jobs and building a history

2. keep the reviews and the JSS score STRONG. This is super important

3. add a video to your profile if you can

4. look in to getting additional certifications


The key is to build a strong history and reputation.

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey There, I hope all is well. I will have a look here.


Thank You - Sam

Garrett's avatar
Garrett C Community Member

Hey Samer! Very impressive earnings on your part.


I'm just getting started on the platform. It took me a few weeks, but I finally got a small job, knocked it out of the park, got my 5 star review, and I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. I'm very selective about the jobs that I apply to. Some days I don't see anything in the feed that interests me. After reading these forums, it's all doom and gloom about how there is no work on here anymore. 


My question is, what is your take? Have things gotten more challenging over the last few years? I just want to get a temperature check from someone who has been around. We have different niches, but they are somewhat related. 




Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Garrett,


I appreciate the kind words. Yes, things have gotten a LOT tougher. I am not going to "sugarcoat" it. The pandemic had a TON of action because as you know, companies were hiring out a lot, people working from home. looking for "special" talent and so forth. After the pandemic, things got much harder, the new bidding system kicked in and now, you need to bid on a LOT of projects to land a couple / few. I am NOT saying it's impossible to "make it" here but what I am saying is, it's a lot harder. It's the hard truth, Upwork is a Public company and they have shareholders that they have to answer to (this is normal) and some, if not many policies are tailored around the bottom line (business 101 right?). Basically, you need to BID A LOT, I used to win 10 out of 100 proposals submitted, it's a lot less now. But for me, it's still better than other channels when it comes to getting jobs. Upwork also does a great job with invoice, payments, protection, etc.


To win, you need to build a strong profile, storng history / feedback / score and than BID LIKE CRAZY. Meaning, submit a lot of proposals, its a numbers game.


Good Luck. I am always here to answer any questions anyone has.



Garrett's avatar
Garrett C Community Member

I appreciate the response! I made it on a monday where the feed just looked really bleak. A lot more jobs are popping up for me today. I guess monday's just aren't great? Either way, I'm making some headway. This week is going great. I just got hired for a proposal I made several weeks ago, and I'm feeling okay. I'm not super concerned about competition. I know I'm able to stand out, I just worry about there being nothing TO propose to. I'm picky and have a hard time getting rid of my connects as it is.


Thanks again!

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member



That is great. I am happy that things are working out for you.

Nikoloz's avatar
Nikoloz G Community Member

Hello Samer, Im not going to ask you to evaluate my profile but lately i have been frustrated as I have been buying connects sending them and note getting any jobs, I never boosted them before but as they introduced 16 connect thing i started even boosting proposals but that did not help as well. Do you think boosting is a good idea anyways? or is it just a waist of money, when im outbid it seems that im not getting back the connects as well. 

Do you think there is more fake jobs nowdays? 

Do you think costumers supressed there budgets on upwork and want more for less? 
Do you think 16 connect - is any good for freelancers? or is it fair at all? 




Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Nikoloz,


These are all GREAT questions.


1. I think boosting is great for those with a long history and great scores

2. My startegy is not to boost but to submit as many proposals as needd to win X jobs (as many as I am looking for)

3. Yes, the scammers are in full gear but many in the forums have documented what to look out for.

4. More for Less. Yes, 100%, the covid money is mostly gone now. Its business as usual. The GRIND. its harder.

5. Connets are just digital currency to me, its pay-to-play really. You have to now pay-to-play. like it or not, its reality.

6. You have to work hard to get small jobs, build a history, get feedback, have a good profile, and submit a LOT or proposals.


I hope this was helpful.


Thank You - Sam

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

if anyone has any additional questions. Please feel free to ask them. I will do my best to be as transparent as possible.

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

I look forward to helping : )

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Feel free to put your questions here. I will do my best to help

Usama's avatar
Usama N Community Member

Hey Samer,

can you help me and check my profile and tell me should i need some changes in my profile because i did not get any job from two weeks.

thank you


Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Usama, I will have a look.

Alicia Sonia's avatar
Alicia Sonia P Community Member

Hi will love your help in starting

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Alicia, I will have a look at your profile!

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Alicia,


I had a quick look and it needs a lot of work,


I would recommend that you edit each section first and than I can have anotehr look.


Thank You - Sam

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Usama,


Your profile needs some work. I would add more examples, a video and other details. Try to get smaller jobs, build your history and in return, you can get reviews. Its all about consistency and effort.

Usama's avatar
Usama N Community Member

Thank you so much Samer B

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

My Pleasure and Good Luck. Feel free to ask any additional specic questions here!

Malik's avatar
Malik A Community Member

Hi Samer, kindly look at my profile & i have a specific question that i am not getting many clients although sending mutiple proposals/day, previously i have secured many clients but now its getting difficult. looking for your kind sugesstion


Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Malik,


Things have definetly changed!. You now have more freelancers + it costs more to submit a proposal (connects) and you also have the bidding feature which was introduced. Really, the big things are:


1. Make sure your profile is complete and looks great

2. Continue to build a strong history

3. Get strong reviews + a keep the JSS in really good shape

4. I hate to say this byt Submit, Submit and Submit more.


It's now a pay to play situation. I hope that helps.

Malik's avatar
Malik A Community Member

Thank you for kind suggestions, my Profile is already complete, JSS is 91% that fell down fromm 100% , sending a lot of proposals but still not getting clients 

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Keep Going!

Zekiye's avatar
Zekiye S Community Member

i am very new now and i have no idea about what to do i need your advice
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