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About my profile

Hi there Community,

I am concerned about my profile. My profile is public and I also reseted my profile cause every month Upwork make your profile private.

then you make into public by resetting  it. 
But I'm concerned if my profile is public or not. Cause when I search it. It is no where to be found on Upwork. I also boosted my profile and one project but I'm getting no views and impressions. I also submitted proposals to jobs but I'm confused if the client can see my profile or not?

Can you guys search for my profile? And tell me if you can see it or not? 
If you don't see it can you guys give me the solution please? 
since there is no direct way to contact Upwork support. 
Plz your help will be appreciated 

Community Member

Hi Abdullah - First of all, Your profile is not Private at this moment.


Regarding your profile views, it is normal that you are not getting any views on your profile because you are new to the platform and you didn't land jobs yet. Also, you might not be able to find yourself on the first pages of the search results for the same reason.

What I think you gotta do is to apply for the jobs you can work on and send proposals until you get jobs. When the client view your proposal, you'll be notified that your proposal was viewed. 
Also, you can check the that from "My Stats" Page.


No need to worry about anything. Give it some time and effort and you'd soon land your first job.


Wish you the best of luck!

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