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Account suspended



I see My account was suspended and I dont know why, I only gave one proposal to a job which perfectly fits my experiences. Customer gave me a not which was offer is AUD than I change my offer alittle bit higher. I confirm my payment method and any other informations. Is there something I missed to violate terms ? I did not get any notifications or emails from upwork about this, I saw only when I get here to check what is last status of my proposal, beacuse customer said that They let me know when some information recieved from their customer, I did not accept any extra job or something else. This was my first try to get job from upwork, than please help me solve this issue to get my account back, because if I open a new account there might be a new suspencion because I dont know what I did wrong to get suspended.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kadir,


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via email to assist you further with your account.

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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