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Advice on Non-Responsive Client

I told the client I would need access to the sites/stores so I can begin work. I said that I will provide my email after contract start for the access. The client agreed to this. We started the contract. I gave my email. 


I have followed up twice for the access, reiterating that I cannot begin work without them. I can see the client online. Curious, I checked the job posting again. The client hired another. 


1. What should I do in this situation? I cannot force the client to respond, but I also can't leave the milestone open indefinitely as this will affect my JSS. And can someone tell me how long before it affects my JSS?


2. What should I do to avoid this next time? I read in this forum before to get all information needed before starting a contract, but that's not applicable in this case because one of Upwork's rules is to not provide personal contact information without a contract and an email is considered one.

Community Member

Leaving a contract open does not affect JSS. Closing the contract and having the client leave you negative feedback is what affects JSS. https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Inactive-No-Feedback-contract-and-JSS/m-p/955013


I recommend reading the clients reviews, jobs open and hiring percentage.


I had a client I properly vetted start a contract with me, spoke to me about the job in details, had plans to send me the proper documents to start the job and then never got back to me. I messaged them once and just left the contract open. After six months of not hearing back, I closed it.

Thank you for the advice. I will follow it. 

By the way, is this applicable for both fixed price and hourly contracts? My contract with the client is fixed price with an active milestone (the money is in escrow).

If NO money has been paid out to you, then your JSS should not be affected if you choose to close the contract.  There's actually a 'reason' specifically for this situation when you go to end a contract in Upwork.  You can end any contract - fixed price or hourly - using this reason.




I would recommend, before doing this, you send one final message 1-2 days before informing the client that you are about the close the contract because they have been unresponsive and have not provided you with access/tools necessary to complete the work.  It might 'wake up' the client and get their attention, but if nothing else, it's just polite and professional and the client cannot justly claim you suddenly ended the contract without warning


The downside of leaving jobs 'open' that you aren't actually working on, is that it could scare off other clients who may look at your profile and assume a job 'in progress' may mean you are too 'busy' to consider their job.


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