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Alert SCAM - ""

Hi everyone, i hope you are all doing well.

I'm writing this after gone through some investigations on a new batch of offers that are up on the platform since few days.

They post a data entry, content writing ou graphic design offer with a telegram or whatsapp number. Asking you to contact them.

The Upwork policies ask us to not do that and all the conversations are to be done on the platform.

Since i'm a senior freelancer i follow them to have the proof of their scam. 

First, they discuss with you friendly ask you a cv or a profil link.

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"New batch of offers" lol

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OKE A wrote:

They post a data entry, content writing ou graphic design offer with a telegram or whatsapp number. Asking you to contact them.

The Upwork policies ask us to not do that and all the conversations are to be done on the platform.

Since i'm a senior freelancer i follow them to have the proof of their scam. 

Terms of Services are for all Freelancers, senior or not. No need to risk your account to prove a scam. You just need to flag it.

Community Member

Hi. I got to talk with one of the staff from Share Through Limited. Is this legit? Please help. I'm a begginer

No, it is a scam. Stop communicating with them and flag them.

Also stop to share contact information before starting a contract to avoid suspension. Thanks!

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Anyone that requests that you join a group, telegram, or skype meeting. Please tell them it's again Upwork TOS to communicate outside the platform before a standing contract. Upwork has all the features needed for any kind of meeting

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Dear fellow freelancers and community,

I've noticed a troubling trend with certain project offers that could potentially be scams, requesting communication outside of Upwork, such as through Telegram or WhatsApp. This is a direct violation of Upwork's Terms of Service, which clearly state that all communications should remain on the platform.

As a seasoned professional, I felt it was necessary to delve into these suspicious offers to gather evidence of any wrongdoing. True to suspicion, these so-called "offers" involve friendly overtures followed by requests for personal information like CVs or profile links.

Please be vigilant and always adhere to Upwork's policies by keeping all interactions within the platform. This ensures your safety and upholds the integrity of our professional environment.

Stay safe and let's look out for each other!

Best regards,

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