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David's avatar
David K Community Member

Am I wasting my time here?

I recently set up on Upwork as a freelancer. I have 3 decades of experience in video production so I'm not new to the industry. 

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


Upwork recommended that I submit at least 5 applications because it takes a while to get work, I totally understand this as I've worked as a freelancer for years and you win some you lose some. I get it. 


But so far I have submitted 12 applications. I've only had two replies, both of which asked me to do some work/test clip for free and then either didn't reply to me or said they'd picked someone else. The latter I actually spent half a day helping them sort out a technical problem with their footage. They still went with someone else apparently.


I'm feeling like it's a total waste of my time. I've spend about £20 in credits and not had one single penny or client back form it. 


I can't see any way to contact Upwork about this so I doubt they care or are prepared to advise me in any way. 


Is it worth presevering? I'm sure there's a possibility that I'm just **bleep** at my work or communications, but with nearly 10 years freelance experience in the market I'm guessing that's probably not the case.


At the moment I feel lik this is a total waste of time and money.

Courtney's avatar
Courtney J Community Member

If I see another post with a 15 bullet list of degrees, certifications, and experience required, along with a list of responsibilities for 3 people - Only to scroll down and see they're offering a $3-6 budget and have 50 other applicants.... 

Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member


If I see another post with a 15 bullet list of degrees, certifications, and experience required, along with a list of responsibilities for 3 people - Only to scroll down and see they're offering a $3-6 budget and have 50 other applicants.... 

Ignore them.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Shamel's avatar
Shamel S Community Member

OK how to get money on my upwork 

Arpit Raj's avatar
Arpit Raj T Community Member

Absolutely right , you have wasted time and I have also wasted my time and 22 dollars on Upwork plus . You will just wasting ur connects and won't get any reply . 

such a stupid of me to waste my money. For a starter you won't get order also no one gonna see ur profile if you apply . It's dead and saturated crazily . 

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

Freelancers have to understand how to run their business, and use the platform. 


Freelancers need to arrive here with marketable skills, money to run the business, time, patience, motivation, and mostly those marketable skills. It is the freelancer's reponsibility to establish their business through the profile. Your profile is incomplete, and needs work.


This is not an employee platform. You must earn your jobs. You arent going to find jobs anywhere, unless you take responsibility for your presence. 


Too many freelancers treat Upwork like an employer, and expect Upwork to make sure they get jobs. You cannot blame the platform, when you haven't done your job. To understand what you have to do to freelance, use the Academy and other Upwork resources to learn.



Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member



Too many freelancers treat Upwork like an employer, and expect Upwork to make sure they get jobs. You cannot blame the platform, when you haven't done your job. To understand what you have to do to freelance, use the Academy and other Upwork resources to learn.


Use your common sense.


You don't need any other resources.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Desmond's avatar
Desmond A Community Member

I've noticed repeat job postings. They seem to be recycled after a certain time. 'Connect sinks'. 

Engineering the impossible in real-time. Miracles may take slightly longer.
Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

David, I suggest you change your Title, this is your display.  You do not need to indicate "UK-based" or "Native English", Clients can see this in other parts of your profile. Use your Title wisely, and use Keywords. 

Sulman's avatar
Sulman Q Community Member

Here are some steps you can take to improve your chances on Upwork:

  1. Enhance Your Profile: Ensure your profile is complete and showcases your expertise. Highlight your 30 years of experience in video production and include a detailed description of your skills and services. Add a professional profile picture and a compelling headline.

  2. Portfolio and Testimonials: Upload high-quality samples of your previous work. If possible, include client testimonials from past projects outside Upwork to build credibility.

  3. Tailor Your Proposals: Customize each proposal to address the client's specific needs. Mention relevant experience and explain how you can solve their problem. Keep it concise and professional.

  4. Be Selective with Jobs: Focus on applying to jobs that closely match your skills and expertise. Quality over quantity can be more effective.

  5. Network and Build Relationships: Once you land a project, aim to exceed client expectations. Building long-term relationships with clients can lead to repeat business and positive reviews.

  6. Stay Persistent: It may take time to get your first few clients on Upwork. Stay patient and persistent. Consider setting a budget for your Connects and monitor your spending.

If you encounter clients asking for free work, report them to Upwork using the flagging feature on the job post or contact Upwork support for assistance. They take such violations seriously and will take appropriate action.

Finally, remember that many successful freelancers faced similar challenges when starting on Upwork. Your extensive experience in video production is a valuable asset, and with the right strategies, you can succeed on the platform.

Best of luck, and I hope you find success on Upwork!

Rahul's avatar
Rahul B Community Member

It takes time and constant experimentation 🙂 

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