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Bad Review

Hi, I have a an issue with a client's review.


I handled a job for a client. I answered all his queries satisfactorily as the work was reviewed. This was a translation work. I translated from my native language to English and he translated back to his native language. While he was translating to his own native language, he didn't complain. He was doing it without any complaint.

When he submitted the work to the final client, he kept asking me questions about certain parts which I answered to his satisfaction. I was online steadily to attend to his questions and at the end, the client accepted the work and he paid me my money. He told me that there were no complaint only for him to come back a month later to leave a bad review on my profile that hurts me.


I am still a new freelancer without top-rated badge yet and I heard I can't remove the feedback. This is my first time a client complained about my work. I have done this work for five years now without complaint before I joined Upwork recently. Please, how do I remove the feedback? It is  seriously hurting me and may scare clients away. 

Community Member

You cannot. You can hide public feedback with full refund but private feedback still affect your JSS.

4.10 feedback? It is no so bad. Leave it and dont worry.

Community Member

If you refund the $15, the contract, along with the feedback, will vanish from your profile. I generally don't think it's a good idea to refund clients  in such circumstances, but you've only done two contracts and it seems to be causing your trouble getting hired.


If you want to refund it, go to the contract (Under My Jobs > All Contracts) and click on the contract, then on the 3 dots at the top right, then choose "Give Refund"


It then takes a day or two for the contract to vanish. If the client's account is still suspended, it shouldn't even affect your JSS. They've not hired since that happened, so they may well still be suspended.


Andy H wrote:

I'm sure Upwork would be happy to remove that negative feedback if only to remove that job posting from public view.

No, they would not. But you're right, the job post is jaw dropping! Did you read all the "extra questions" with "Do you understand this?" on every one of them?


Rashmil, don't take on jobs like that again. Apart from the virtually 0 pay, the job post makes it clear that the client will be a monumental pain to deal with.  If it takes 2 minutes per website, that works out at less than 18 Cent per hour... 



Please, Give me "solution" mark for this message, I need it

Tural Babashov

I have been trying for 5 hours to get an email verification. Nelson responded to me after 4 hours from Upworks. 

Gave me a link. I put an alternative email. Still nothing. It does not allow user to continue without verification email. No live support, etc. Very frustrating!!

Community Member

I'm having a similar issue but probably worse than yours. After a year of being on the platform and spending hundreds of dollars on credits and membership, I finally got a contract! I connected with the client and she decided to change the scope and budget after discussing what she'd need. We end the call and hires me for the job, but then realizes that the contract had the old scope so she's asking me to change it. I tell her ok, I'll submit a new proposal and she can cancel the old contract. All sounds good until this point. My job success score drops to 43%. I open a million tickets and get on a million calls and email threads with Upwork just for them to tell me that "there's negative private feedback on that ended contract and it cannot be changed". Turns out, the client openly admitted to both me and Upwork that she mistakenly left a negative review on that ended contract that was meant for another contractor. Although she's actively asking to remove it, Upwork keeps saying they "cannot" change the feedback even though:

- the feedback was never meant for me

- the feedback is not even based on work that I've delivered because the contract was terminated immediately and both client and myself have noted in the reasons that the terms of the contract needed to be amended

- The client is proactively asking to remove her own feedback that she mistakenly left.


No matter how much I follow up, they will not amend the mistake. Their solution is to "find more jobs that will leave more positive reviews" but who's going to hire someone with a 43% job score?!


According to CA laws, this is defamation which I'm now consulting with an attorney to pursue.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**


All feedbacks for Upwork is final. You can trust message you shown: Noone will investigate or fix, noone want listen about. Your client asking for fix also wasting time. One exception: ToS violating feedbacks removing. Lie or defamation isn't violation here.

Maybe attorney can help you. But it is very hard  challenge: ToS say that Upwork owe nothing to you and you accepted it.

I have been trying for 5 hours to get an email verification. Nelson responded to me after 4 hours from Upworks. 

Gave me a link. I put an alternative email. Still nothing. It does not allow user to continue without verification email. No live support, etc. Very frustrating!!


Community Member

**Edited for Community Guidelines**WHO WORKS IN THE DISPUTE DEPARTMENT FOR UPWORK ALLOWED A FEMALE SCAMMER**Edited for Community Guidelines** TO SCAMM ME OUT OF $319.95 and $57.45 by claiming she would pitch write and distribute her work to multiple media outlets around the world. But what she uploaded in the dispute for my refund was her distributing her work to a dead website and twitter post. **Edited for Community Guidelines**resolved the matter by black mailing me into agreeing by both parties that I recieve a $75 refund on both contracts or be force to pay Arbritration $337.95. Totatally disregarding I was scammed upon evidence shown in the dispute. I will never work with upwork company again and everybody else should do the same. Because this company upwork will allowed you to be rip off

Community Member

I have been trying for 5 hours to get an email verification. Nelson responded to me after 4 hours from Upworks. 

Gave me a link. I put an alternative email. Still nothing. It does not allow user to continue without verification email. No live support, etc. Very frustrating!!


hey i am stuck in a page of profile and i cannot create my profile as no
option is coming there..!!

Hi Iqra,


I am sorry to hear about the trouble while updating your profile. Could you please try again after clearing Cookies and Cache on your browser? You can also try using a different browser. Feel free to message us with the screenshot of the error message if problems persist.


- Pradeep

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