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Boosting proposals in relation to profits


This is not true, at least in my case. I get more and better paid jobs, when I do not boost at all, than when I boost on at least half of my proposals. Maybe potential clients can detect a bit of desperation for work on boosted proposals.
It could be because, in my field, the jobs I bid for have higher value and they need a real expert for instance design of medical equipment. So the clients tend to look at absolutely all the proposals to find the provider they need. Also, some do this because they want to see if they can find top providers with lower hourly rates.
Maybe on low value jobs, where highly qualified people are not needed like data entry jobs, clients only look at the top 10 candidates where there are 50+ bids.

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Desperation, spam, annoying AD - a great way to disgust the client before even viewing the offer. It is profitable for Upwork but not for you. But there is another problem - if you don’t pay then your offer will be thrown into the trash.

But a little true still here: with gambling added my profit dropped by 10x. This is the correct number. 😺

Read the forum. What you noticed only now has already been discussed for several years.

Who says I have just noticed? I have been part of the discussions you talk about. I am referring to the advert, which is more recent.
I am not sure it is true that your proposals are discarded if you do not pay for the boosting. On the thread you posted, a moderator told you that she could confirm that the proposal you claim was discarded was actually seen by the potential client.
I would like to hear from other providers if they think that their proposals are' thrown' if they do not pay for the boosting.

The moderator said what he must to say. Do you really believe that she should say "Yes, we are scamming you. Sorry, we will stop it right now!"? 😺 Actually seen proposals marked as seen but not purged within 1 sec.

But it is offtopic. You asked about x10 profit from boosts. Lets follow that way. Topic about that AD also here, i talked there before. Maybe some moderator will move this post there later.

 Federico D wrote:

I am not sure it is true that your proposals are discarded if you do not pay for the boosting. On the thread you posted, a moderator told you that she could confirm that the proposal you claim was discarded was actually seen by the potential client.
I would like to hear from other providers if they think that their proposals are' thrown' if they do not pay for the boosting.


Not to be a stickler, but this is incorrect.  The moderator did not say Mykola's proposal was "seen".  The moderator said "I checked on this and can confirm that the client received your proposal".   I'm only sharing that because a proposal being received is not the same as being seen.  A "received" proposal can actually end up in the "Other" folder, which most clients (and some freelancers) don't even know exists, so it's essentially trash folder.


FWIW I believe many, if not most, of my proposals have been trashed last year.  This is why I don't do a specialized profile any more.  When I had a specialized profile there were times I forgot to switch which profile to paste in the proposal and so it got sent with "Excel" skills when I was actually applying for "Photoshop" (or the other way around, I don't remember).  Well, needless to say, none of those proposals were viewed and I believe they went straight to the trash because the skills didn't match.  Of course I don't know that for certain, but given the gambling environment we've been reduced to around here, I'd bet dollars to donuts that's what happened.  So, since I can't delete a specialized profile, both profiles are the same now.  Hey, what can I say, it was all I could think to do!

Community Member

I don't use the specializied profile for the same reason.  The categorization is so cluttered and confusing and most clients don't know how to appropriately label a job.  Video Production / Video Commercial / Videography / Video Editing / Filmmaking / Cinematography.... these are all examples of specialities and 99% of clients I've seen don't know how to pick the right one(s) to label a job.   For example, I've seen clients label animated projects as "Videography" and purely editorial projects as "Video Production".... it's a mess.

"Not to be a stickler, but this is incorrect.  The moderator did not say Mykola's proposal was "seen".  The moderator said "I checked on this and can confirm that the client received your proposal".   I'm only sharing that because a proposal being received is not the same as being seen.  A "received" proposal can actually end up in the "Other" folder, which most clients (and some freelancers) don't even know exists, so it's essentially trash folder."


This is a bit pedantic TBH. The fact that the proposal reaches the client means it is visible to him and it has not been binned.

In the example we are discussing, the offer was never within the current bid range. I agree that the client could reject the offer, hire someone else or not read it. That’s normal. It bothers me that the client never knew about my offer. And I spent time writing it and paid money to show it. The moderator's answer was a dummy (generic useless template unnaplicable for that case) since viewing and rejecting an offer within less than one second is physically impossible. And the moderator did not write a objective scenario that I could accept as possible.

I shared what I saw. If you look at my profile you will see that I have knowledge of how to check and track this for sure. It's up to you to decide whether your applications go through this removal mechanism or not. And if it doesn't bother you then no problem. 🙂

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I send proposal recently without boost and project page proposal received showing different sometime increase and then decrease might be possible bug or client declining bot proposals. But strange is after submitting my proposal I never use AI I honestly tell what material I have and it's best match so I have sample as well. So after submitting proposal I see that client last view is 1 min ago but he didn't view my proposal ohkay that fine might possible other proposals are there but wait they are watched 15 min later as well still no view on my proposal and they get 5 to 10 proposal nothing like a lot of so I feel something is there or algorithm that showing best match and higher rank above but I don't think so it will take too much time if client get 10 to 15 proposal till now. After one day they seen my proposal and interviewing someone else 😅 so it's about algorithm that not getting to match freelancers and clients. And it's not only one but many face similar that they are top rated plus and they are getting less invite and no proposal view. If there are market down in particular field or AI affect then same situation not happen with most of freelancers including expert vetted.

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I made a whole separate thread about this specious claim a month or so ago.  Not only does it ring false from my experinece, there is no source cited for the data and no explanation for what the parameters of the study were.  (If there even was one!)


Upwork - the scams and lack of transparency have to stop or else this platform is going to completely collapse.  

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