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Bugs on Upwork

Hii there!


There are bugs on Upwork $0 spend client have 5 star rate and $30k spend client don't have any review. How this possible?


Thank you!

Community Member

Anyone can provide feedback in the middle of the contract (after 30 days), and if there are milestones, this could happen (Canada case). The same goes for the USA case, not everyone is leaving feedback. 


Community Member

Can't have it both ways. Looks like a bug to me.


And yes, why no reviews?

Worried about the job posting fee... My skill seems bare today. Any issues on your end?

It seems everything Upwork does these days is designed to chase away real clients, in their desperate search for dollars. I'm sure the shareholders aren't happy about the lack of returns, geez, even fiv e rrr is hitting above $22 and look at Upwork, $10. So, management placates the shareholders by telling them - we fired 15% of our staff, mostly in Support, because we don't care about the freelancer or the client, and we are going to monetize everything on the platform. In the process, we are going to create a hostile work environment, where the clients are angry and leave. The issues on my end are the same as they have been - no real clients with real jobs for real pay.


To bring this back on topic, Upwork can't or won't hire 'net people to work on the site, or they hire rejects. A perfect example is the alleged "dark mode" that doesn't work, doesn't meet industry basic standards, is not acessible, and is a pathetic excuse for a program. There are either intentional misdirections, inability to apply, etc. etc. or Upwork should hire people who know what they are doing.

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