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Buying connects

Hi! I hope everyone is doing well.


So I am rasing this one again for the 2nd or 3rd time. I do have problem in purchasing connects. I tried calling and asking my bank regarding my concern why I cannot buy connects but it is going back and forth only. You guys asking me to call my bank and my bank allowed me already to add my card as a billing method. But I still cannot buy connects , there is an error trelling me to change my payment method. WHen I ask my bank multiple time, they are telling me that in their system the amount showing that will be charged is zero-0 that is hwy I cannot buy connects. I've been reaching to them and upwork but to no avail. They are transferring me back and forth. ANd recently my account was changed into public but I cannot Purchase conencts that is why there is no earning . SO what do I DO????



Danica D. 


Hi Danica Rose,


I'm sorry to hear that you are still unable to purchase connects. I have shared your concern with the team, and one of our team members will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket. Thank you!

~ Joanne
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