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Can't Finish My Profile

I'm trying to complete my profile, and every time I click "Preview Profile", it takes me back to the "Expertise" section, even though I've filled out all required fields. I've already tried inconginto, clearing cookies, and different browers. Not sure what the problem is.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Nicolas,


It looks like you didn't select the main category of the service you're offering. Could you please try choosing the appropriate category from the drop-down menu to see if this will resolve this issue?


Let us know if the issue persists. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

When I do go through the profile process, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to proceed in the first place without selecting a category, so that is not the issue. It'll still take me back to the "Expertise" tab while still showing that I have selected a service category. To be fair, if I log out and then log in again, that tab will reset and show no category selected. However, every time I press "Preview Profile", it doesn't reset. It just takes me back to that tab.

Hi, I'm also having similar issues. I have filled all that needs to be filled and it keeps telling me to preview the profile. Please what do I do? I've previewed over and over again

I see in another thread that Upwork just updated some skills categories (and eliminated some). Perhaps the profile interface has yet to adjust to these changes. 

Hi Nicolas and Bolanle,


I've escalated your account information to our support team. One of our agents will reach out to you directly to assist you with completing your application forms.

~ Bojan

Bojan, please assist.

Please help! unable to complete the profile with the same issue

Hi Nishant,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please share more information about the issue you experience along with a screenshot from your end so that we can assist you accordingly? 


~ Nikola
Community Member

Good day! I am also facing the same issues, I keep on completing my profile but everytime I'm looking at it again it's not increasing in 40% even though I am uploading requirements.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Eimalyn,


Thank you for reaching out. Could you please clear your browser cache and cookies and try completing your profile by clicking on "Complete your profile?"



**Edited to add**

Please also check this help article for more information on how you can complete your profile.

It should show you other information that you can still add in order to get your profile completed to 100%.

If the issue still persists, could you please share the following information so that we can forward it to our team to be investigated further?


  • Browser/s used
  • Browser version
  • Machine’s OS
  • Machine’s OS version
  • Screengrab of the issue
  • Additional details that may help us/the team investigate your concern better

~ AJ

Good day! I tried your suggestion but it's still not fixed.
I clear the cache and etc, but when I upload my portfolio again, My profile
did not increase.

Hi Eimalyn,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please try following the steps shared in this help article to make a 100% complete profile? Let us know if you need further assistance. 


~ Nikola

I'm having the same problem as all of you.... I am in a perpetual loop trying to finish the profile.  There is no end - either it is the category I have to re-input or it is my address.  Help me get off this merry go round of frustration, please!

Community Member

I'm having the same issue and I'm  100 percent submitting everything correctly. 

I have been unable to publish my profile. I get stuck in a never ending loop on the last three pages. It asks for my category, rate and profile picture. When I click the button to "check my profile." It boops me back all over again. How do I publish? 

Hi Bonnie,


I'm sorry to learn you're having trouble setting up your profile. A Customer Support Team member has reached out to you through this support ticket to assist you further with your concern.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Same thing is happening with me - please advise. I have tried on muliple browsers with no luck. 

can you describe the details so someone help you 

My Upwork account doesn't load.it fluctuates.then says error occurred
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Jessica,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you`re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Hi Leigh,


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. We'll have one of our agents reach out to you via a support ticket to further assist you.

Thank you.

~ Luiggi

Hi, I am having the exact same issue. Could you please contact me, as well? Thank you!

Hi Dunja,


I shared your concern with the rest of our team and one of our agents will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi, I'm having the exact same issue.  I go to "Check my Profile" at the end and keep getting sent back to "Tell us about the work you do." page.  


Can you please help with mine as well?  It's now 2022 and it seems like this is still a big problem!

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