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Certificate of Earnings



What can I use to file for my taxes? 

Also, I checked my certificate of earnings and it shows that I received payments in 2021 but I only started in Jan 2022 with my first client. Please see the image below: 





Kindly advise.


Thank you,


Community Member

Jonnah Mae A wrote: What can I use to file for my taxes? 

You can probably use your transaction history.


I checked my certificate of earnings and it shows that I received payments in 2021



It shows no such thing. It accurately states that you have made $1137 since the various dates in 2021.

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Community Member

Jonnah Mae A wrote: What can I use to file for my taxes? 

You can probably use your transaction history.


I checked my certificate of earnings and it shows that I received payments in 2021



It shows no such thing. It accurately states that you have made $1137 since the various dates in 2021.

Community Member

Hi Petra,


Thank you for the quick reply.

I may not be understanding this computation correctly. If you said I have made $1137 since those various dates, that would be completely incorrect. I only got my first contract in Upwork in Jan 2022. 

Community Member

Jonnah Mae A wrote:

If you said I have made $1137 since those various dates, that would be completely incorrect. I only got my first contract in Upwork in Jan 2022. 

It is entirely correct.


The certificate of earnings states how much money you have earned on Upwork since April 1. 2021, October 1, 2021, January 1. 2022 and March 1. 2022.


Those are the 4 calculation periods on every freelancer's account. 


If you have only been earning money since this January, you have STILL earned $1137 since April 1. 2021, regardless of the fact that all of that has been earned during January, February and March 2022. It's the word "since" that makes all the difference here. Even if you had earned all that last week, it would still be $1137 since April 1. 2021,


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