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Noman's avatar
Noman M Community Member

Client Interviewing Rate

How about Upwork launches a new metric called "Interviewing Rate" just like we have "Hiring Rate" in the job description? 


I just have this idea pop up in my mind. What do you guys think?



Joseph's avatar
Joseph D Community Member

I like the idea, but I think it will cause a lot of excitement. If the number is low, is it because the employer knows what the right candidate looks like so can pick carefully? Or, is it because it was a bogus job in the first place and we wasted our connects? I think there is still too little visibility into the process to make it anything other than a controversy. On the topic of visibility, I think it is WRONG for Upwork to keep purging information we share with each other, such as job links and screenshots. Keeping us ignorant of the process keeps us siloed and gives them plausible deniability for pretty much anything. Also, **Edited for Community Guidelines** the new 10%.

Noman's avatar
Noman M Community Member

The idea for "Interviewing Rate" came after observing some factors. Mostly, after seeing some clients' job posts with 0 interviews.

One of the reasons can be that the client might have been testing the water (in terms of rates). Even though he had 
hired before. But this time he might have a new role, different from the previous job/industry, and he is not sure how to get this done at the cheapest rates or get the best freelancers. So he opened a job just to get an idea or you can say for research purposes. You would still be seeing 20-50 proposals on it. This can be a repeated job posting behavior from the client side. So this can occur over and over again. With "Client Interviewing Rate". We might be able to encounter this or at least save some connects.

Because by looking at the hiring rate you can always identify if he is a serious buyer or not. The same goes with "Interview Rate" and I think it's a missing piece right now. I know it'll surge a lot of competition for qualified jobs. But the freelancers would be happy to pay higher connects on it than wasting connects with no interviews.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



It already shows the interviewing rate.

Noman's avatar
Noman M Community Member


I am unable to see it, can you guide me where to find this?

Also, do you see any bugs on the job search page?
I have been facing this issue. Let me know, if you do too. So we can bring this thing into the consideration of Upwork management.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Focus on the Proposal rate on that page. Aim for 20 or less proposals.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Noman,


Can you please share more information about the issue you're seeing with the Search page? I'll be glad to escalate it to the appropriate team for review.

~ Luiggi
Noman's avatar
Noman M Community Member

Hi Luiggi,

When we searched the jobs (I attached a screenshot).

After we go to the next page, it takes us to the next page. (Attached the screenshot).

If you look closely, the stars don't have colors there. I have highlighted them in the screenshot. This bug is on the entire job search page and I am experiencing this issue for more than a week. 

Let me know, if it clarifies.

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

When I move my mouse over that area, the gray-ish (or muted green) stars will appear. Does this not happen for you?


On a mobile device, I'm assuming the stars representing no feedback stay hidden.

Noman's avatar
Noman M Community Member

No, it only shows the rate numbers like 4 or 5 stars when you hover over the feedback section. The star color is back on the job posts but the color on the feedback is still gray-ish across all jobs. 

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