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Client asking for phone number


I made a mistake giving my phone number to a client before a contract started on Upwork. They have the payment method verified, but only joined Upwork August 31. I became aware this violates Terms of service only after. Should I report them?


Thank you

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Tamara,


Thank you for sharing this report. It would be best to send us a flag in order for our team to review the account. If they have violated ToS and we can't validate their account, their account will be suspended. 


We highly suggest reviewing our ToS, reading these tips on how to avoid questionable jobs, and this post from our Community member, Wes, about top red flags for scams for you to keep yourself safe in the marketplace. Should you also encounter any suspicious user activity again in the future, please send us a flag so the dedicated team can review it and take action as soon as possible.


~ AJ
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