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Client don´t respond anymore,

Hello, I have a contract that began on March 16,

On March 22 I sent the job, even I send extra logo proposals than I agreed with the client just because seem great to me (I send 15 proposals), yes a lot!

On March 23 the client made a preselection, until then the communication was very fluid, ...

On March 30 we made a new preselection of 3 logos.

On April 6, the client told me that "his client" did not give him a feedback and that he was taking a long time to choose, that she was sorry for me to taking so long to have the job payed, and I was totally understanding about it,

On April 19 I decide to write, to know if she had any news...but I did not get any response...

I wrote on April 25, 27 and May 2 without any response...


I don't know what to do, I don't want to close the contract abruptly, but I think it´s time to close de job, the money is in escrow...


I don't want to interrupt her privacy by contacting her by name on other social networks, it seems invasive to me, but I don't know what to do because it's been a long time and she doesn't answer me anymore.


Any advice on what you would do or what would be correct in this situation?


Community Member

Hello Vanina,

If you are working with a client and they become unresponsive for a long period of time, it may be best to stop working on the project and wait for contact from the client. In some cases, you may

 also reach out to Upwork to contact the client on your behalf.


On an hourly contract, it may be best to end your contract with an unresponsive client. Already-logged hours will be invoiced as usual, but no further payment should be expected on the ended contract. Even if your client fails to pay you for the hours invoiced, you will still be paid if you are eligible for Upwork Hourly Protection.


On a fixed-price contract, ending the contract forfeits any funds remaining in escrow. Instead, it is often best to complete your last milestone before you end the contract. If your client fails to respond to your submission, funds will be automatically released after 14 days. If they respond but refuse the work and you believe you have completed the work according to the agreed terms, you have the option to file a dispute.

Thank you!

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