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Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

Client making amendment on feedback

I need an urgent answer to my question beloved Freelancer gurus

  • If an Upwork client and Previous clients  decides to Re-edit  the bad review the gave a freelancer as feedback on work done after the freelancer made an amendment to previous work done to ensure the job quality meets the clients satisfaction and after that the client decide to gives the freelance a good  5 star rating with a Good feedback.
  • can these help to boost and increase the JSS of the freelancers profile and will it reflects as soon as possible?
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:

My JSS score is below 20%

Well, I told you when you thought it would be 90% or more...


Morrison A wrote:

That's my main reason for asking for suggestions

To know my next step

Your next step is to remove all the things from your profile that aren't true. (We both know what they are, don't we...?)

The main problem is that you are selling skills (writing in languages you falsely claim to master at a native level) you don't have and your JSS clearly reflects that. 

View solution in original post

Robert's avatar
Robert Y Community Member

You can't change existing feedback. Only by closing contracts and generating new and better feedback can you increase the JSS.

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

A client who decides to amend the feedback given to you after making
amendment on the job done can't his feedback increase your JSS
Or is it advicable to generate New JSS by delievering Good quality work and
ensuring the clients gives you a remarkable feedback
Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Morrison,


Thank you for your message. Please note that the change feedback option will allow changes only to public feedback. Private feedback remains on file, and cannot be edited. That said, your JSS will not be updated after updated feedback.


Thank you.


Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:
A client who decides to amend the feedback given to you after making
amendment on the job done can't his feedback increase your JSS

No, and it is inappropriate and unprofessional to ask clients to change feedback.


As the JSS is determined by the part of the feedback that can't be changed, the JSS can't be manipulated by asking clients to change their feedback.

This is by design.

Robert's avatar
Robert Y Community Member

Sorry, I made a mistake there. A client can change their feedback, if you allow them to do so. They then have 14 days to change it. Here's where it explains how to do that. 


Enable Clients to Change Feedback – Upwork Customer Service & Support | Upwork Help

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

If a client's change there feedback and gives you a positive feedback with
a 5 Star rating
Can there feedback and rating increase and boost your JSS profile as soon
as possible?
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:
If a client's change there feedback and gives you a positive feedback with
a 5 Star rating
Can there feedback and rating increase and boost your JSS profile as soon

No, it won't change your JSS at all.

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

Currently now I have two open long term contract with huge earnings
If the client gives me an Excellent and positive feedback with a 5 Star
rating can it boosts and increase my JSS on my Upwork profile ?
That's the last question I have for you .
Thanks for your response I do really appreciate

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:
If the client gives me positive feedback can it increase my JSS on my Upwork profile ?

Yes, but not until the next update. What is your JSS now?

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

My JSS score is below 20% and I have some open contract
Due to my communications and the high quality of job am rendering to them
The client will give me a positive feedback and good rating,I believe when
the do so
It will definitely increase my JSS

So please when is the next JSS update if I may ask ?
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:
So please when is the next JSS update if I may ask ?

It's always every second Sunday. So the next update will be on the 9th of January

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

Thanks alot for making out time to respond to my questions I do appreciate
it alot
Am wishing you a Merry Christmas holiday celebration and a prosperous new
year ahead
Thank you

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

Sorry to ask ,but is a kind of urgent If your Upwork client and Previous clients decides to delete the bad review the gave as feedback on work done after making all neccessary amendment on the job for it to meet the client satisfication and the decide to compansate the freelancer by deleting the bad review given initially and giving the freelancer a Good 5 Star rating with a Good re-view can these help to boost and increase your JSS of the freelancer profile and will it reflects on the JSS of the freelancers profile?

Robert's avatar
Robert Y Community Member

If you want to keep your JSS in double figures, go easy on the Burmese proofreading.

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

*What do you mean by Go easy on Burmese Proofreading*
*The client was fully satisfied with the job he gave me a 5 Star rating and
also he left a Good feedback to my comments*
*The client has promised to hire me again because I did an excellent job
for him*

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "If a client's change there feedback and gives you a positive feedback with
a 5 Star rating. Can there feedback and rating increase and boost your JSS profile as soon
as possible?"


If a client leaves feedback... and then the freelancer ENABLES the client to CHANGE feedback... then it is possible for the client to change only the PUBLIC feedback. The client can not change private feedback. It is unlikely that any change made by the client will change JSS.


It appears that all of your questions have been answered. This matter is over, as far as I can tell.


Do you have any remaining questions at this time?

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

These is a screenshot of the Burmese Proofreading client feedback
I hope these Feedback should increase and boost my JSS score

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

I have two jobs right now

If the client gives me a positive feedback and a 5 Star rating as a result of the quality of work I delivered to them

Can there positive feedback and 5 star rating boost my JSS on my profile


Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Morrison A wrote:
*What do you mean by Go easy on Burmese Proofreading*

You don't speak Burmese. That's one perfectly good reason for not taking on jobs to proofread Burmese text.


The whole problem with your low JSS is caused by you claiming to have skills you don't have and accepting work you can't complete to the level you promise.

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

Like I said earlier the Burmese Proofreading job was the job title
The job was far different from Burmese Proofreading
The job was all about writing a 500 words description for a company
The client invited me to submit an application telling me that the job was
an easy one
He further went to let me know that the job full details is to write a 500
words description for a company
I did my best and he gave me a good feedback and a 5 Star rating

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

So what is your JSS?

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

My JSS score is below 20% which is very poor and it will hinder me from landing any other job by next year

That's my main reason for asking for suggestions

To know my next step



Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member


I think you have a lot to offer your local non-online community.


It is likely that you are delaying finding your true calling by spending time here.

Morrison's avatar
Morrison A Community Member

I have two long term contract now
If the client gives me a positive feedback with a 5 Star rating can it
boosts and increase my JSS on my Upwork profile ?
That's the last question I have for you .
Thanks for your response I do really appreciate
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