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Karteek's avatar
Karteek J Community Member

Client not responding

I did the work on my server client asked to transfer the files to clinet server i did it now the client is not responding i submitted all the work its been 15 days he is not responding. the amount in escrow is 20$ there are remaining 3 milestones all this 3 milestones of work also completed 

what should i do now i cant end contract because the amount in escrow is only 20$ where i need to get 80$ for my complete work 

Jonathan's avatar
Jonathan H Community Member

Dont think there is anytghing you can do.....


If you have already cicked the submit work for payment button then you should be paid the amount in escrow after 14 days - the rest of it though, you have no chance if the client has gone - You should only be doing the work for each milestone, you dont do any more work untill the next milestone is funded.



Karteek's avatar
Karteek J Community Member

so now  i should loose 80$?

i worked for 15 days complete e-com webapplication for just 90$ for making my work profile good in upwork is this wast of my time and efforts ?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Karteek J wrote:

so now  i should loose 80$?

i worked for 15 days complete e-com webapplication for just 90$ for making my work profile good in upwork is this wast of my time and efforts ?

If only $ 20 is in Escrow, then $ 20 is what you'll get.

Try not to work on milestones that have not been funded, because if your client vanishes, or gets fired or gets hit by a bus, what is funded is all you get.


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