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Hrishikesh G's avatar
Hrishikesh G P Community Member

Client threatening for dispute when he is at fault

Hi members,

I am a 3D designer and have great reviews from my client and have worked on many jobs on Upwork,

recently I am facing an issue client, he discussed with me to do a job and asked me how much time it may take, the work he discribed earlier was small so I told him it may take 10 hours, it was an hourly contract so I started to work on it, the client made 10  hour contract, once the hours was finished I informed him and shown him the picture of my progress, he threaten me that this was not discussed earlier and that I wasted his time, I told him you shown just a picture of a place and asked me to do 3d design and after starting the work only I can understan the complexity and it took time and now you are asking me even to do additional work on this, so He is not threating me to put a dispute, as a freelancer I feel we are quite vunerable because of this tactics of clients, where they trick us to start the job and then ask to work more on it and then threanten us, I want to understand my right in this and how I can raise an issue about to client to Upwork,


Will's avatar
Will L Community Member

If you did the work and used TimeTracker properly to track your work time, the client has no standing to file a dispute.


Scope creep is apparently a big problem for many freelancers. Just say no to more work without more pay. This is much easier to do with an hourly contract than with a fixed price contract.


Good luck!

Hrishikesh G's avatar
Hrishikesh G P Community Member

Thanks Will for reply, but the client is stating he will put a dispute with Upwork. He said I am taken advantage of, He shown picture of a restaurant space and asked me tell an approx time that can take to make that place, I told him it may take around 10 hours, but once I recieved all the details, like CAD drawings, I got to know the space is much bigger than just that image, and He said that he wanted it to finish fast, I started the work and once the hours got finished I showed him the progress of my work and said He need to add more hours in order for me to continue to work on it, to that he said that I told him it will take 10 hours, firstly no 3D artist can judge accurate time that can take to make the space, without starting the design, secondly He never mentioned he want all the areas, he shown one single picture and said how much time it can take, I even told him it is difficult to state, and asked him to hire someone else who may be fast in case he need the work urgently and he was pinging me again and again to start the work and stopped responding once I started to work on it, I think he may have assumed it is like Fixed contract and cheat me after his work is done, but since the hourly contract doesn't work like that he started to threaten me, I have managed to keep my JSS score top 100% and all my 62 clients have given me 5 star but I am worried in order to not pay me he will ask for refund, as a community member what do you suggest, since I put my 10 hours into the work I don't want to refund otherwise he will play game with another freelancers as well

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