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cant apply for any job!

Hi There, i cant apply for any job! "Your Job Application quota has been reached." But i never applied for any job yet! Cheers
Community Member

Hi Patrick, I am sorry to hear about your application quota issue. Please, refer to the support ticket that has been sent to you recently. You might need to make some changes to your profile such as expanding your overview.
~ Valeria

I'm new to the site and cannot apply for any jobs. Same issue of the button being greyed out. Please let me know what needs to be done/added to get me going. Thanks, Matt Hopkins

Hi Matt, I am sorry for the confusion about your job application quota. You may need to change your profile picture in order to get your application quota restored. Please, follow the instructions in the support ticket, and I am sure this issue will get resolved soon. Thank you!
~ Valeria

Hello valeria, I am facing same issue and I dont know steps to solve this problem can you guide me to solve this issue? Thank you.

Hi Heet,


I’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi Nikola,


It was very big help, thank you for your support and response.

~Heet Kanabar.

Hey, I'm facing the same issue with the button being greyed out, preventing me from applying to jobs. I've verified my identity multiple times and changed my profile picture several times, but I'm still being asked to do the same thing repeatedly. Please help, as I've been trying to verify my identity for several days now and have made multiple attempts.



As i am new here, I am unable to apply for job. Please assist

Hi Mansi,


In order to have your profile approved and be able to start bidding on jobs, please refer to the notification you received on December 9th and follow the instructions our Support team representative outlined.


Thank you.

~ Vladimir

I can't apply to any job cause it always writes that I have already applied to the job- and that's not true. What should I do?

Hi Lucy,
I wasn't able to replicate the issue on your account from my end. The job showing in your screenshot does have that error message, however I do see that you have already sent a proposal for that job. Please let us know know if you experience the error with any new jobs that you attempt to apply to.


Hi, I'm facing a similar issue, do you mind helping me out please!
Ps: I'm new to this upwork set up so try to learn how everything works here!


Hello Valeria, can you help me I am experiencing same issue, I can't apply for any job?

Community Member

Hi Nikola,


I can confirm that your account is currently active and you should be able to submit proposals for job posts. Can you please share with me the difficulties you're experiencing in applying for jobs? I'll be more than willing to check further into that for you.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Arjay I can't apply for jobs anymore the "Apply" button has been disablede.

Thank you.

Community Member

Hi Jessica,


I have checked your account and actually tried but wasn’t able to replicate the issue you’re describing. Could you please try using a different browser or the incognito mode of your current browser? You may also try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. Also note that we only officially support the latest two versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Arjay,
I can't apply for jobs. I have the same issue, the "Apply" button has been disablede. 
I already tried to sign in through different browser, but it didn't work

Hi Vladlena,


I have requested the assistance of our team. One of our agents will assist you directly via a support ticket.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thank you, Joanne!
How long does usually it take to solve this kind of issue?

Dear, You will be able to apply just your profile  catogory  related job proposal.

Hi Valeria, 

I can't apply for jobs. Please help me. The application button is grey and it is preventing me from applying.Thanks

Community Member

Hi Shashelle,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.


~ Arjay

Can you please check my account? I am unable to get support through the help desk.

Please go to the Upwork live  support. I hope your will be find solution to there

Hi Irma,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please share more information about this issue you experience so that we can assist you accordingly? 

~ Nikola
Community Member

I'm not sure what more to explain. I've sent three different messages to
support. The Apply Now button is greyed out on every job. My profile is
complete. My payment method is entered. I'm not sure what else to do and
there is no indication anywhere of what I need to do.
Community Member

Hi Irma Christina,


Thank you for your response and I'm sorry to learn that you're having difficulties submitting proposals. I can also see and confirm that your case has been escalated to the appropriate team for further review. Several support tickets have been set up with your concern that you can access on this page. Feel free to coordinate with the team through a single ticket or email if you have questions or need further assistance and they'll surely look into that for you.


~ Arjay

Hi There,

The apply now button on jobs is grey and i can't apply to jobs can't even buy connects, i had raised a ticket before and no one helped me out. My profile is 100% complete and i can't seem to figure out whats the reason for this. Can you please help?

My account is in good standing. I am even in contracts with a freelancer to complete a web design project.  How come I can not apply to any jobs on the freelancer side?  

Hello, I have the same problem, I also have notices that my payment account is wrong and I must change it, which I have already done, and it tells me that my account has been limited, I do not understand what else I can do, since it has left me buy points to apply but it won't let me apply since the button appears transparent, I need help please

Community Member

Why can't I apply for the job, and it is now asking for quota, I changed yet nothing happened.please help

Hi Cristal,


I am sorry about confusion. You need to update your profile overview with more detailed and clear information about your skills and experience. Once you improve your profile, please, do to Find Work>Profile and click "Resubmit Profile." The Marketplace Quality Team will then review your profile once again and assist you with restoring your quota.


Thank you!

~ Valeria

I updated my profile more than 3 times now, but still not able to re-submit it by clicking on the button nor able to apply for any job.


Kindly help!

Hi Rahul,


Thank you for making the neccessary changes to your profile. It has been accepted and you should be able to apply for jobs now.


Best of luck!

~ Valeria

Hi Valeria - This should show as a button on the job listing, i.e. "Update your profile to apply". It's clear there has been a lot of confusion on this, which persists into now 2017. I will update my profile to apply, but this could be easier.

Hi Zachary,


Please note that you've opted to create a client profile, which is used for hiring freelancers. Please complete the sign up process and follow these steps in order to create a freelancer profile on the same account.

~ Vladimir
Community Member


Hope you guys have already checked out this link : Job Quota Support Article

Community Member

Hi why i can't apply to any job?

Hi Daryll Jay,


I am sorry to hear you are not able to apply to jobs currently. You will need to update your profile title and overview with more information about your skills and experience. Make sure you specify what kind of jobs you expect and are capable of doing on oDesk.

For more information, see the notification sent to you yesterday.


Thank you!

~ Valeria
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