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Clients changing details during Contract

Hello, I am pretty new to Upwork and I have had a few clients either add extra steps, change steps, etc., after I have already accepted an offer. In a way, I almost feel like I'm being taken advantage of and now I'm locked in a contract with them. What do you other freelancers do? Does this affect your job success? 

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I always take a close look at the details in the job proposal and any requirements information provided before signing the contract. If I feel, from experience, that the requirements are too loose, I will only work at an hourly rate, as history has shown that these sorts of clients are more likely to be the ones that have "just another little thing" moments during the job. If the requirements are very well laid out, clear, and as close to watertight as it's possible to get, it shows that they have seriously considered the details of the job before posting, then I'll consider a fixed price. It's a judgment call that comes with some experience. Always err on the side of hourly if possible, it protects you and puts the onus on the client. If they want more, or changes, they pay for it, and then it's up to them to go ahead or stick to the original plan, they have a choice.

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You can close contract at any time you want. Client as well. So if additional milestone not fit your expectation then just close contract.

Thank you for replying! 

Community Member

Are those steps paid? Is it fixed price or hourly?  If fixed price then you are in a tough spot.

Yeah, fixed price, I've realized how risky that can be. Thank you for replying. 

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Some clients take advantage that way; some really just don't realize the impact it has on your time/profitability.

Your contract is what you agreed on and appeared in the offer you accepted. You are not obliged to do anything other than that. If a client asks you to do extra work and you are willing to do it, just respond with something like, "I'd be happy to take that on. I'd charge $X and anticipate that (describe any impact on the project timeline)."

Thank you so much. That was really helpful. So does it negatively affect anything on my end if I do end the contract because of reasons like you mentioned? I hate to do that and almost feel bad about it because I'm not that type of person but I also won't allow myself to be taken advantage of. 

There's nothing negative associated with ending the contract for any reason you want. But, the client could leave negative feedback.

That's a relief to know that now. I appreciate your help. 

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ALWAYS get as much detail as possible before agreeing to any work.

Yes I totally agree with you! 

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I always take a close look at the details in the job proposal and any requirements information provided before signing the contract. If I feel, from experience, that the requirements are too loose, I will only work at an hourly rate, as history has shown that these sorts of clients are more likely to be the ones that have "just another little thing" moments during the job. If the requirements are very well laid out, clear, and as close to watertight as it's possible to get, it shows that they have seriously considered the details of the job before posting, then I'll consider a fixed price. It's a judgment call that comes with some experience. Always err on the side of hourly if possible, it protects you and puts the onus on the client. If they want more, or changes, they pay for it, and then it's up to them to go ahead or stick to the original plan, they have a choice.

Community Member

Thank you so much for all the helpful insight and advice you have provided me. I have had both good and bad experiences and I have learned a lot in just a short amount of time. Both my personal experiences and the information you have added has given me a better perspective and understanding on how to approach and respond to clients. I appreciate the support!

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