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Clients forgetting to close contracts

Hello everyone,


I noticed lately that many clients that I worked with on Upwork are not closing the contracts. Is it best to leave the contracts open? Has anyone else had this issue? 

Community Member

I always have the client close the contract after the work is completed because I want them to leave feedback. For example:


"It was so great working with you and thanks for the payment! You should be good to close out the contract on your end (Upwork will ask for feedback)."


95% of contracts are closed by my clients and all give feedback.


It's not harming anything for you to have multiple open contracts, but if you have too many clients could assume you are too busy. 

I have been trying to get 5 star reviews from clients and have them close the contracts since it prompts them to review. I'm not sure why this keep happening, but most I try to see if there is anything else that I can help on the projects and prompt them to leave a review to help my freelancing business; however, clients respond to me while we are getting the project done, then when there's little to no work left, they stop responding. The clients and I have a relationship, they evenually stop responding and forget to close the contract. 

Nick adviced you correctly. You can softly push client to close contract and receive feedback. Never force client, you will get not so good feedback. Never ask for good feedback, it is violation.

Maybe some client want to leave bad feedback so just leave you alone instead. If you will force this client then you will receive your bad feedback. Better action here is do not rush client: no feedback - no negative affect.

Where does it show on Upwork that it's a violation for asking for good feedback? Not all clients know how to provide feedback. 

In the ToS. You risking if you never read it. Do it asap.

You can ask for feedback (honest, true, any feedback) but you cannot ask for good feedback.

I currently didn't ask about feedback to any of my clients. Where does it show that? Do you have a link? 

What do you mean by "You risking if you never read it?"

You can violate rules then be banned because you didnt saw the rules. For example you may be banned after asking client to leave 5 star feedback.

I don't understand how asking for a 5 star review is a violation. Not all clients know the process on Upwork. Most come and go. By banned, do you mean that my account is suspended? 

Yep. From temporary suspend to permanent ban (when you will be unable to register here anymore). It is depend of violation you did. Asking for good feedback is not so hard violation but followed action is unpredictable.

I wasn't aware that the Upwork TOS were this strict. I am recently new to Upwork and sometimes I cannot locate these rules such as this one about the feedback. It doesn't seem fair to have rules that can be from suspend to ban, or ban at first. Some freelancers make a living from this, or may need some extra revenue; and not being aware of these without warning seems unreasonable. 

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