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Clients who post the same job 2x should not be part of this platform

Hi everyone!


This is also a suggestion for Upwork's support and Upwork's team.


I think it's not all right when I apply for a job and put my time and Connects into it and 1 hour later I see the same client post the same job (he changed a few words maybe) with the lower price because he probably realized he may get a freelancer for a lower price than the price he offered earlier.


Can you restrict or ban this type of client from Upwork or solve this kind of situation somehow? This is not fair. As freelancers, we have to respect many rules, invest in Connects, gain new skills, and give our best to get some jobs. Clients should respect it and be ready to pay the first price they offered, not downgrade it and post the job again.


In the attached images you'll see the client's name and conclude that this is the same client by reading the reviews about him. The first time he posted the job and offered $200, and the second time he offered the same job for $100.


Can you prevent this from happening?


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

Supply creates demand - this is pure economic and businesswise logic. 

OK maybe you enjoy earning less than you deserve but still, this is not fair to freelancers.

Community Member

Fairness does not features in UW model.
As Natasha said, economic and businesswise logic is what drives this marketplace.
More job posted by clients (who cares if they are duplicated ones) mean more money. More connects spent by freelancers (who cares if on fake or duplicated jobs, or legit ones but still hard to land due to boosting and algo tricks) mean more money.
It all eventually contributes to the major goal for UW which is, guess what? Make money. 

Well thank you for your assumptions - but I'm not earning less than I deserve exactly for this reason, I carefully choose when applying (very rarely) because I mostly live on invitations. Any sort of limitations will certainly frag other limitations - how about Freelancers would not be able to apply to more than 2 jobs a week, hah? 

Community Member

Some clients may think that reposting keeps their offer at the top of the list for you to see first. However, there could be a remedy for those with other intentions: assign serial numbers to clients so that freelancers can quickly and easily identify duplicates. (That would leave only those duplicates posted by teams.)

I noticed my connects are back because the client deleted the job post, but many times they don't delete the first job post and you lose them if you applied for that previous job post.

Good for you. But there are several duplicates in my niche as well. 


Hi Jelena, 


Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your feedback. I will be sure to share your suggestion with our team for further review. 

Additionally, I would like to let you know that we return Connects when a client closes their job without hiring or we find a job post has violated our Terms of Service. You can find more information here.


I would also encourage you to report any suspicious activity anywhere you see it on the platform using the Flag as Inappropriate option throughout the platform. You can learn more about user reporting here.

~ Nikola
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