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Connects Variation to Apply for a Job

When i browse jobs and trying to apply i can see the number of conncts need to apply as 1, 2,4,6 like wise

What is the base of this requirement 

Is it client's history or freelancer ratings? 

What is the exact factor inside this. 

Please explain 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Chanika, 

We calculate the number of Connects needed based on the projected job duration, budget amount, and marketplace demand. Once a job is posted, we also may lower the number of Connects required to encourage more freelancers to submit proposals. This means a job with fewer proposals might require fewer Connects. You may want to check out this article to learn more about Connects.

~ Avery
Community Member

I have seen Connects range from 2 to 6 without bidding. 4 to 6 seems to be very common in my category.

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