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Why connects didn't refund when the job post is closed or expired? even the client did not hire anyone.

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Hi Sebastian,


Withdrawing a proposal does not return your Connects. We do return Connects if a job post is closed for violating the Terms of Service as you described, but unfortunately in this case, you withdrew your proposal. If this happens to you, please use the flag as an inappropriate button found in the job post so the team can review and action the post if necessary.


Community Member

I had taken my plus membership. But I am checking one thing I am not getting monthly 10 connects from a long time. I raise one complaint 2 days before. I am attaching my screenshot below.

Here I am asking one thing from @Upwork and from other high members of Upwork. What is this? Why you are not accepting what you mention in T&C?



I need a full report sheet of connects. Otherwise, I will lose my confidence in Upwork


Thanks and regards

Samir H.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Samir,

I can see you were able to submit a support ticket with our team regarding this. Please allow some time for our team to review and they will update you directly via ticket as soon as possible.

Community Member

I am waiting. Thanks for reply

Community Member

Did not get any reply till now. It is already 6 days over.

Hi Samir,


I'd like to confirm that the team is already working to get this resolved as soon as possible. As soon as they have more information, one of our agents will update you directly on the same ticket. Thank you for your continued patience!

~ Joanne
Community Member


Hopw ypu are doing well. My issue is that I haven't received my free 10 monthly connects and my billing month is complete. My billing month 8 July 2022 to 7 August 2022 and now it is 8 August 2:22 pm and did not recieve my connects. Kindly resolve my issue


Muneeb Ahmed

Hi Muneeb,


Thank you for your message. I see that the monthly Connects are already credited to your Upwork account today. Please note that your billing cycle starts on the 8th of every month and the free monthly Connects will be credited within 24-48 hours from the start of the new billing cycle.


Thank you,


Community Member

Hi Everyone,


I registedred on Upwork on 30th July, 2022. I can't see my free monthly connects, It's showing zero and I didn't use any connect, is there issue regarding free connects not being credited to accounts?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Fixer, you receive ten free Connects every month at the beginning of your billing cycle. You can check your current billing cycle in Settings > Memberships & Connects. For more information on how this works, check out our guide here.
Community Member

I didnot received free monthly connects for the month of July and August 2022.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Muhammad,


I checked and it does look like you did receive 10 free Connects when your membership renewed in July and August. Please check your Connects History to confirm.


Community Member

Thank you Andrea.

It was my mistake as I looked into notifications history. I didn't received notifications for July and August, and assumed so. But the right place of information is connects history. Thanks for your guidance.

Community Member

My suggestions about how Upwork could improve to avoid spam proposals:

1 - Let the "entry, intermediate or expert" level of freelancers noticeable in their profiles.
2 - Freelancers can change their experience level just once a month.
3 - Job posts must have "novice, intermediate, expert or any" requires.
4 - Freelancers can do proposals just on job posts that matchs their experience level, or in job posts seted up as any level required.

This is a perfect way to avoid spam proposals? Of course not. But I believe it could reduce a lot of the spams. Of course some freelancers that has no talent could set up their profiles as "experts", to do proposals in "experts requireds" jobs. But I believe that these would be just ignored by clients. And also some bad clients could set up their job posts as "experts requireds" and offers novice entry budgets. But smart freelancers expert level would never aply to job posts offering very low budgets.

This way could reduce a lot the spam proposals and makes clients get proposals from freelancers that matchs what they are looking for.

Community Member

Hi team Upwork,

    I had 10 connects. Now these are 0. Please fix it for me. 

Hi Sajjad,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked your account and it looks like you've used up all your Connects already. To see your Connects history, kindly go to this page.


Here's how you can have Connects again:


Buy Connects


Connects cost $0.15 (USD) each and are sold in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80. Agencies can also purchase bundles of 150 or 300, if their balance allows. To purchase additional Connects:


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Memberships & Connects
  3. Click Add More Connects


Once you’ve selected the bundle you wish to purchase, click Add Connects and your account will automatically be charged.


Earn Connects


You can earn Connects in several ways:


  • Register for the first time. You’ll receive 40 Connects to get started. When you complete the Upwork Readiness Test, you’ll receive another 40 Connects — that's 80 FREE Connects!
  • Win an interview. When you submit a proposal to a client, win an interview, and reply, you’ll get a bonus of 10 Connects. You can earn up to 50 Connects every seven days.
  • Complete an Upwork Skill Certification. If you earn an Upwork Skill Certification, you’ll enjoy a one-time Connects bonus.
  • Earn a badge. If you qualify for an Upwork Talent Badge, you may receive bonus Connects with it!

You can check this help article for more information.

~ AJ
Community Member

Hi, Good Day Everyone! I am new to platform had joined Last Month, and had 84 connects at the start, started applying regularly to regular new meetings, and did not receive any reply at all, I have 30 connects left at present, and seen some older projects being placed as archived,  but my question is will i receive and how can i receive connects back? hows does the system work? 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Kerim,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Aside from purchasing Connects, another way is to earn them.


You can earn Connects in several ways:


  • Register for the first time. You’ll receive 40 Connects to get started. When you complete the Upwork Readiness Test, you’ll receive another 40 Connects — that's 80 FREE Connects!
  • Win an interview. When you submit a proposal to a client, win an interview, and reply, you’ll get a bonus of 10 Connects. You can earn up to 50 Connects every seven days.
  • Complete an Upwork Skill Certification. If you earn an Upwork Skill Certification, you’ll enjoy a one-time Connects bonus.
  • Earn a badge. If you qualify for an Upwork Talent Badge, you may receive bonus Connects with it!

You can check this article for more information.

~ AJ
Community Member

Every month I can only get 10 connects. It is too few. Could you please tell me all the way to get free connects?

You can buy more connects if 10 isn't enough.

To get more connects send proposals that will get responses from the clients. When you reply to any message received from a potential client you get 10 connects. 


A few months ago I bought 200 connects, and I have been sending a lot of proposals, but only to those jobs where I am 100% confident of delivering excellent results. Also, I have been spending more time drafting personalized proposals to suit each job and its requirements, that in turn gets me a lot of client interviews and jobs and I also get my connects back. 


So my connect balance today is 149 connects after sending probably 100+ and boosting 30-40+ proposals. 


That is the only way to get free connects 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Shaolin,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Other ways aside from buying Connects would be to earn them. To earn Connects: 


  • Win an interview. When you submit a proposal to a client, win an interview, and reply, you’ll get a bonus of 10 Connects. You can earn up to 50 Connects every seven days.
  • Complete an Upwork Skill Certification. If you earn an Upwork Skill Certification, you’ll enjoy a one-time Connects bonus.
  • Earn a badge. If you qualify for an Upwork Talent Badge, you may receive bonus Connects with it!


Please keep in mind as well that as a freelancer, Connects are your investment which you can use to promote your services to prospective clients. To learn more about Connects, kindly check this article.

~ AJ
Community Member

please i need connects to continue sendin proposals .I want to buy witout my card because last time I did it wit my card my account was suspended(sorry for omittin some    letters.Faulty keyboard)

Hi Mary,


Thank you for your message.  If you have sufficient funds in your Upwork account, we will withdraw from your account balance. If not, the full amount for Connect bundle will be charged to your primary billing method. 


Thank you,


Community Member

hello i have bought 80 connects accedintelly , how can i refund them ? please i need support asap 


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