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Why connects didn't refund when the job post is closed or expired? even the client did not hire anyone.

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All my active and archived porposals is 5 and 2 of them from 8 years.

Can i ask when my cycle begin to get 10 and why i not have 10 connects.

Thanks for you reply

Community Member



I wanted to get the Membership Plan Plus, but instead of 80 Connects which is stated under the plan, when I actually wanted to pay it says 73.


Check screenshots.



Hi Drasko,


This is happening because you are upgrading your plan partway through your billing cycle and the 10 free Connects that you receive with every billing cycle renewal, will be prorated. With the billing cycle following the change and every renewal going forward, you should receive 80 Connects per month. Feel free to check the "A Note on Prorated Connects" portion of this help article to learn more.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

what is connects? how can I earn them?

Community Member

Ani N wrote:

what is connects? how can I earn them?

Connects are Upwork's virtual currency 


You get 10 per month, plus 10 for every time you send a proposal and are interviewed, and if you need more, you need to buy them.

Community Member

I am not able to send proposals.


The connects for new freelancers does not reflect on my profile.


I would like human help please.

Hi Jay,


I checked and it looks like you already received Connects for being a new freelancer, but you used them. You can check the Reports > Connects History page for more information.


If you want to continue submitting proposals, you need to purchase more. Connects cost $0.15 (USD) each and are sold in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80. To purchase additional Connects:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Memberships & Connects
  3. Click Add More Connects

You can also wait a couple of days for your new billing cycle date to start after which, you'll receive 10 free Connects. 


I can also suggest that you go to Find Work > Upwork Readiness Test and complete it. Once done, you will receive a bonus of 40 Connects.


For more information about Connects, you can refer to this help article.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar



I am quite new to upwork, and am still trying to get my first proposal accepted. Can I do the work?  Hell yes, but in most of these applications I am 50 to 1 against (prob more, as I have no upwork history). I have far more chance of hitting 1 number on roulette (36 to 1).


OK, I can live with it, but I have this gripe... 


A "client' puts out a job description that presses all the 'right' buttons. It gets over 50 responses. After 10 days the client still has not done anything. No interviews, no action, NADA. Sometimes they have not even looked at the responses for 10 days.


Too me it looks like a spam, vaporware job. The problem is that 6 connects costs an applicant $1, so with 60+ applicants, UPwork make $60 for doing nothing.


This in my opinion is unacceptable. At some point this 'job offer' needs to be removed from publication, and some kind of negative indicator needs to be applied to this 'employer'. In addition, the connects used/abused/wasted should be returned!



Hi Neil,


We know this is an issue and we are actively looking at ways to solve it. We already look for and remove job posts that violate our Terms of Service. Once we find a solution, we’ll be sure to announce it. Please note that if you see a job that is suspicious or inappropriate, please click "Flag as inappropriate" in the job post so we can review it.


Connects are refunded when a client closes their job without hiring or we find a job post has violated our Terms of Service.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

Hi i have been interviewed for 5 jobs but haven't recieved single connect as reward. I have read the policy that we recieve connects upon interview, can anybody guide me regarding that?

You only get it when you apply for the job, and the client responds to that and sends you a message.

If the client has approached you without applying for a particular job, then you won't get any connects.

Hi Anshuman, Thanks for replying, I had applied applied for those jobs but still didn't get the connects

Community Member

Probably after 150 connects spent - managed to get one job.

Im sure you do realize how much time and effort itd take to spend

100+ credits. The applications - uploads, interviews and other

forms of responses and communication.


If anything, I feel Upwork should just scrap the connect

system and let anyone apply for jobs. Either way - they

still will get a cut from the job if a contract is secured.



Community Member


I wish we have upwork free of connects.And we have right to offer 2 to 5 to clients in a day free from connects. 

It can gives us a hope that we will try another time.

Who is agree?

I used more than 100 connects . What I got Only two interviews and 1 invitation. All clients said after long wait that we hired someone else.

UW, you should start allowing us select default billing for Connects.

For reasons I can't go into here, even when I have funds in my Upwork balance I still prefer to buy Connects with my card.


Rest ye all merry!

Abinadab A wrote:

For reasons I can't go into here, even when I have funds in my Upwork balance I still prefer to buy Connects with my card.

Withdraw your balance before buying conects. Buy connects when you have withdrawn your funds.

Problem solved.

Petra R wrote:

Abinadab A wrote:

For reasons I can't go into here, even when I have funds in my Upwork balance I still prefer to buy Connects with my card.

Withdraw your balance before buying conects. Buy connects when you have withdrawn your funds.

Problem solved.

I'm aware of that.

Since fees apply for withdrawals, which fees are minimised by withdrawing larger amounts, a freelancer might be delaying withdrawal for good reason.

Abinadab A wrote:

Petra R wrote:

Withdraw your balance before buying conects. Buy connects when you have withdrawn your funds.

Problem solved.

I'm aware of that.

Since fees apply for withdrawals

Fees that are never as much as even $2....... 

Petra R wrote:

Abinadab A wrote:

Petra R wrote:

Withdraw your balance before buying conects. Buy connects when you have withdrawn your funds.

Problem solved.

I'm aware of that.

Since fees apply for withdrawals

Fees that are never as much as even $2....... 

....... nor as high as $30. Bang on, chairlady.

I know I'm not really making sense here until I give you a few reasons why one may have funds on Upwork, but would rather use a card.

- Freelancer gets awarded points by card issuer for certain online purchases

- Freelancer uses a non-USD card for the purchase and gets a better-than-market exchange rate

- Freelancer uses a non-USD card from an issuer where foreign currency purchases are - weird but happens IRL - subsidised to a certain threshold.


Need I list more reasons? I rest my case.

Community Member


As someone who is new to this platform of opportunities , after few months of being here , I think Upwork should provide more than 10 free connects per month. I feel 10 are not enough ,especially with this new Boost system. 

I dont know just a thought . I have beeen trying to get work from last 2 months , it's difficult with 10 connects. 





Mahak S wrote:


As someone who is new to this platform of opportunities , after few months of being here , I think Upwork should provide more than 10 free connects per month. I feel 10 are not enough ,especially with this new Boost system. 

I dont know just a thought . I have beeen trying to get work from last 2 months , it's difficult with 10 connects. 



You know that you can buy them if you need more?



Hi Mahak,


Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. I'll make sure to pass it to our team for review.


I noticed you haven't completed the Upwork Readiness Test yet so I suggest doing that. After completing the test, you'll get 40 Connects as a one-time bonus! Feel free to check this article for more information.

As Martina suggested, if at any moment you need more Connects, you can purchase them from the Membership & Connects page. Connects cost $0.15 (USD) each and are sold in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80. For more information about Connects, you can check this help article.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

I have always received my monthly connects on the first of the month but I have not received them for November. Why?

Hi Joan,


I can see that you already have an open ticket regarding this issue. One of our agents will update your ticket and assist you further. 

~ Joanne
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